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Friedmann-like universes with torsion

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 نشر من قبل Christos Tsagas
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We consider spatially homogeneous and isotropic cosmologies with non-zero torsion. Given the high symmetry of these universes, we adopt a specific form for the torsion tensor that preserves the homogeneity and isotropy of the spatial surfaces. Employing both covariant and metric-based techniques, we derive the torsion

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137 - Damianos Iosifidis 2020
Starting from the generalized Raychaudhuri equation with torsion and non-metricity, and considering an FLRW spacetime we derive the most general form of acceleration equation in the presence of torsion and non-metricity. That is we derive the cosmic acceleration equation when the nonRiemannian degrees of freedom are also taken into account. We then discuss some conditions under which torsion and non-metricity accelerate/decelerate the expansion rate of the Universe.
A Friedmann like cosmological model in Einstein-Cartan framework is studied when the torsion function is assumed to be proportional to a single $phi(t)$ function coming just from the spin vector contribution of ordinary matter. By analysing four diff erent types of torsion function written in terms of one, two and three free parameters, we found that a model with $phi(t)=- alpha H(t) big({rho_{m}(t)}/{rho_{0c}}big)^n$ is totally compatible with recent cosmological data, where $alpha$ and $n$ are free parameters to be constrained from observations, $rho_m$ is the matter energy density and $rho_{0c}$ the critical density. The recent accelerated phase of expansion of the universe is correctly reproduced by the contribution coming from torsion function, with a deceleration parameter indicating a transition redshift of about $0.65$.
67 - Aharon Davidson 2017
Unification of Randall-Sundrum and Regge-Teitelboim brane cosmologies gives birth to a serendipitous Higgs-deSitter interplay. A localized Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati scalar field, governed by a particular (analytically derived) double-well quartic poten tial, becomes a mandatory ingredient for supporting a deSitter brane universe. When upgraded to a general Higgs potential, the brane surface tension gets quantized, resembling a Hydrogen atom spectrum, with deSitter universe serving as the ground state. This reflects the local/global structure of the Euclidean manifold: From finite energy density no-boundary initial conditions, via a novel acceleration divide filter, to exact matching conditions at the exclusive nucleation point. Imaginary time periodicity comes as a bonus, with the associated Hawking temperature vanishing at the continuum limit. Upon spontaneous creation, while a finite number of levels describe universes dominated by a residual dark energy combined with damped matter oscillations, an infinite tower of excited levels undergo a Big Crunch.
115 - Laszlo A. Gergely 2008
We introduce brane-worlds with non-constant tension, strenghtening the analogy with fluid membranes, which exhibit a temperature-dependence according to the empirical law established by Eotvos. This new degree of freedom allows for evolving gravitati onal and cosmological constants, the latter being a natural candidate for dark energy. We establish the covariant dynamics on a brane with variable tension in full generality, by considering asymmetrically embedded branes and allowing for non-standard model fields in the 5-dimensional space-time. Then we apply the formalism for a perfect fluid on a Friedmann brane, which is embedded in a 5-dimensional charged Vaidya-Anti de Sitter space-time.
Semiclassical Physics in gravitational scenario, in its first approximation (1st order) cares only for the expectation value of stress energy tensor and ignores the inherent quantum fluctuations thereof. In the approach of stochastic gravity, on the other hand, these matter fluctuations are supposed to work as the source of geometry fluctuations and have the potential to render the results from 1st order semiclassical physics irrelevant. We study the object of central significance in stochastic gravity, i.e. the noise kernel, for a wide class of Friedmann space-times. Through an equivalence of quantum fields on de Sitter space-time and those on generic Friedmann universes, we obtain the noise kernel through the correlators of Stress Energy Tensor (SET) for fixed co-moving but large physical distances. We show that in many Friedmann universes including the expanding universes, the initial quantum fluctuations, the universe is born with, may remain invariant and important even at late times. Further, we explore the cosmological space-times where even after long times the quantum fluctuations remain strong and become dominant over large physical distances, which the matter driven universe is an example of. The study is carried out in minimal as well as non-minimal interaction settings. Implications of such quantum fluctuations are discussed.
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