Trudinger-Moser inequalities on a closed Riemannian surface with the action of a finite isometric group

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Let $(Sigma,g)$ be a closed Riemannian surface, $W^{1,2}(Sigma,g)$ be the usual Sobolev space, $textbf{G}$ be a finite isometric group acting on $(Sigma,g)$, and $mathscr{H}_textbf{G}$ be a function space including all functions $uin W^{1,2}(Sigma,g)$ with $int_Sigma udv_g=0$ and $u(sigma(x))=u(x)$ for all $sigmain textbf{G}$ and all $xinSigma$. Denote the number of distinct points of the set ${sigma(x): sigmain textbf{G}}$ by $I(x)$ and $ell=inf_{xin Sigma}I(x)$. Let $lambda_1^textbf{G}$ be the first eigenvalue of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on the space $mathscr{H}_textbf{G}$. Using blow-up analysis, we prove that if $alpha<lambda_1^textbf{G}$ and $betaleq 4piell$, then there holds $$sup_{uinmathscr{H}_textbf{G},,int_Sigma| abla_gu|^2dv_g-alpha int_Sigma u^2dv_gleq 1}int_Sigma e^{beta u^2}dv_g<infty;$$ if $alpha<lambda_1^textbf{G}$ and $beta>4piell$, or $alphageq lambda_1^textbf{G}$ and $beta>0$, then the above supremum is infinity; if $alpha<lambda_1^textbf{G}$ and $betaleq 4piell$, then the above supremum can be attained. Moreover, similar inequalities involving higher order eigenvalues are obtained. Our results partially improve original inequalities of J. Moser cite{Moser}, L. Fontana cite{Fontana} and W. Chen cite{Chen-90}.

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