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Invariance of Immersed Floer cohomology under Maslov flows

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 نشر من قبل Chris T. Woodward
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث
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We show that immersed Lagrangian Floer cohomology in compact rational symplectic manifolds is invariant under Maslov flows such as coupled mean curvature/Kaehler-Ricci flow in the sense of Smoczyk as a pair of self-intersection points is born or dies at a self-tangency, using results of Ekholm-Etnyre-Sullivan. This proves part of a conjecture of Joyce. We give a lower bound on the time for which the Floer cohomology is invariant under the (forward or backwards) flow, if it exists.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We show that cellular Floer cohomology of an immersed Lagrangian brane is invariant under smoothing of a self-intersection point if the quantum valuation of the weakly bounding cochain vanishes and the Lagrangian has dimension at least two. The chain -level map replaces the two orderings of the self-intersection point with meridianal and longitudinal cells on the handle created by the surgery, and uses a bijection between holomorphic disks developed by Fukaya-Oh-Ohta-Ono. Our result generalizes invariance of potentials for certain Lagrangian surfaces in Dimitroglou-Rizell--Ekholm--Tonkonog, and implies the invariance of Floer cohomology under mean curvature flow with this type of surgery, as conjectured by Joyce.
189 - Sheel Ganatra 2019
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233 - Zhongtao Wu 2008
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