LSZ-reduction, resonances and non-diagonal propagators: gauge fields

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We analyze in the Landau gauge mixing of bosonic fields in gauge theories with exact and spontaneously broken symmetries, extending to this case the Lehmann-Symanzik-Zimmermann (LSZ) formalism of the asymptotic fields. Factorization of residues of poles (at real and complex values of the variable $p^2$) is demonstrated and a simple practical prescription for finding the square-rooted residues, necessary for calculating $S$-matrix elements, is given. The pseudo-Fock space of asymptotic (in the LSZ sense) states is explicitly constructed and its BRST-cohomological structure is elucidated. Usefulness of these general results, obtained by investigating the relevant set of Slavnov-Taylor identities, is illustrated on the one-loop examples of the $Z^0$-photon mixing in the Standard Model and the $G_Z$-Majoron mixing in the singlet Majoron model.

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