Global weak solutions for the three-dimensional chemotaxis-Navier-Stokes system with slow $p$-Laplacian diffusion

الملخص بالإنكليزية

This paper investigates an incompressible chemotaxis-Navier-Stokes system with slow $p$-Laplacian diffusion begin{eqnarray} left{begin{array}{lll} n_t+ucdot abla n= ablacdot(| abla n|^{p-2} abla n)- ablacdot(nchi(c) abla c),& xinOmega, t>0, c_t+ucdot abla c=Delta c-nf(c),& xinOmega, t>0, u_t+(ucdot abla) u=Delta u+ abla P+n ablaPhi,& xinOmega, t>0, ablacdot u=0,& xinOmega, t>0 end{array}right. end{eqnarray} under homogeneous boundary conditions of Neumann type for $n$ and $c$, and of Dirichlet type for $u$ in a bounded convex domain $Omegasubset mathbb{R}^3$ with smooth boundary. Here, $Phiin W^{1,infty}(Omega)$, $0<chiin C^2([0,infty))$ and $0leq fin C^1([0,infty))$ with $f(0)=0$. It is proved that if $p>frac{32}{15}$ and under appropriate structural assumptions on $f$ and $chi$, for all sufficiently smooth initial data $(n_0,c_0,u_0)$ the model possesses at least one global weak solution.

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