Let $r:X^{2}rightarrow X^{2}$ be a set-theoretic solution of the Yang-Baxter equation on a finite set $X$. It was proven by Gateva-Ivanova and Van den Bergh that if $r$ is non-degenerate and involutive then the algebra $Klangle x in X mid xy =uv mbox{ if } r(x,y)=(u,v)rangle$ shares many properties with commutative polynomial algebras in finitely many variables; in particular this algebra is Noetherian, satisfies a polynomial identity and has Gelfand-Kirillov dimension a positive integer. Lebed and Vendramin recently extended this result to arbitrary non-degenerate bijective solutions. Such solutions are naturally associated to finite skew left braces. In this paper we will prove an analogue result for arbitrary solutions $r_B$ that are associated to a left semi-brace $B$; such solutions can be degenerate or can even be idempotent. In order to do so we first describe such semi-braces and we prove some decompositions results extending results of Catino, Colazzo, and Stefanelli.
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