We propose a thermodynamically consistent minimal model to study synchronization which is made of driven and interacting three-state units. This system exhibits at the mean-field level two bifurcations separating three dynamical phases: a single stable fixed point, a stable limit cycle indicative of synchronization, and multiple stable fixed points. These complex emergent dynamical behaviors are understood at the level of the underlying linear Markovian dynamics in terms of metastability, i.e. the appearance of gaps in the upper real part of the spectrum of the Markov generator. Stochastic thermodynamics is used to study the dissipated work across dynamical phases as well as across scales. This dissipated work is found to be reduced by the attractive interactions between the units and to nontrivially depend on the system size. When operating as a work-to-work converter, we find that the maximum power output is achieved far-from-equilibrium in the synchronization regime and that the efficiency at maximum power is surprisingly close to the linear regime prediction. Our work shows the way towards building a thermodynamics of nonequilibrium phase transitions in conjunction to bifurcation theory.