On $sigma$-quasinormal subgroups of finite groups

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Let $G$ be a finite group and $sigma ={sigma_{i} | iin I}$ some partition of the set of all primes $Bbb{P}$, that is, $sigma ={sigma_{i} | iin I }$, where $Bbb{P}=bigcup_{iin I} sigma_{i}$ and $sigma_{i}cap sigma_{j}= emptyset $ for all $i e j$. We say that $G$ is $sigma$-primary if $G$ is a $sigma _{i}$-group for some $i$. A subgroup $A$ of $G$ is said to be: ${sigma}$-subnormal in $G$ if there is a subgroup chain $A=A_{0} leq A_{1} leq cdots leq A_{n}=G$ such that either $A_{i-1}trianglelefteq A_{i}$ or $A_{i}/(A_{i-1})_{A_{i}}$ is $sigma$-primary for all $i=1, ldots, n$, modular in $G$ if the following conditions hold: (i) $langle X, A cap Z rangle=langle X, A rangle cap Z$ for all $X leq G, Z leq G$ such that $X leq Z$, and (ii) $langle A, Y cap Z rangle=langle A, Y rangle cap Z$ for all $Y leq G, Z leq G$ such that $A leq Z$. In this paper, a subgroup $A$ of $G$ is called $sigma$-quasinormal in $G$ if $L$ is modular and ${sigma}$-subnormal in $G$. We study $sigma$-quasinormal subgroups of $G$. In particular, we prove that if a subgroup $H$ of $G$ is $sigma$-quasinormal in $G$, then for every chief factor $H/K$ of $G$ between $H^{G}$ and $H_{G}$ the semidirect product $(H/K)rtimes (G/C_{G}(H/K))$ is $sigma$-primary.

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