We propose the concept of hybridization-switching induced Mott transition which is relevant to a broad class of ABO$_3$ perovskite materials including BiNiO$_3$ and PbCrO$_3$ which feature extended $6s$ orbitals on the A-site cation (Bi or Pb), and A-O covalency induced ligand holes. Using {it ab initio} electronic structure and slave rotor theory calculations, we show that such systems exhibit a breathing phonon driven A-site to oxygen hybridization-wave instability which conspires with strong correlations on the B-site transition metal ion (Ni or Cr) to induce a Mott insulator. These Mott insulators with active A-site orbitals are shown to undergo a pressure induced insulator to metal transition accompanied by a colossal volume collapse due to ligand hybridization switching.
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