Spin-1 particles and perturbative QCD

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Due to the angular condition in the light-front dynamics (LFD), the extraction of the electromagnetic form factors for spin-1 particles can be uniquely determined taking into account implicitly non-valence and/or the zero-mode contributions to the matrix elements of the electromagnetic current. No matter which matrix elements of the electromagnetic current is used to extract the electromagnetic form factors, the same unique result is obtained. As physical observables, the electromagnetic form factors obtained from matrix elements of the current in LFD must be equal to those obtained in the instant form calculations. Recently, the Babar collaboration cite{Aubert2008} has analyzed the reaction $e^+ e^-rightarrow rho^+ + rho^-$ at $sqrt{s}=10.58 GeV$ to measure the cross section as well as the ratios of the helicity amplitudes $F_{lambdalambda}$. We present our recent analysis of the Babar data for the rho meson considering the angular condition in LFD to put a stringent test on the onset of asymptotic perturbative QCD and predict the energy regime where the subleading contributions are still considerable.

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