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Metrics for two electron random potential systems

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 نشر من قبل Amy Skelt Miss
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Metrics have been used to investigate the relationship between wavefunction distances and density distances for families of specific systems. We extend this research to look at random potentials for time-dependent single electron systems, and for ground-state two electron systems. We find that Fourier series are a good basis for generating random potentials. These random potentials also yield quasi-linear relationships between the distances of ground-state densities and wavefunctions, providing a framework in which Density Functional Theory can be explored.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

214 - Chien-Hao Lin , Yew Kam Ho 2015
Entropic measures provide analytic tools to help us understand correlation in quantum systems. In our previous work, we calculated linear entropy and von Neumann entropy as entanglement measures for the ground state and lower lying excited states in helium-like systems. In this work, we adopt another entropic measure, Shannon entropy, to probe the nature of correlation effects. Besides the results of the Shannon entropy in coordinate space for the singlet ground states of helium-like systems including positronium negative ion, hydrogen negative ion, helium atom, and lithium positive ion, we also show results for systems with nucleus charge around the ionization threshold.
We make use of a Hylleraas-type wave function to derive an exact analytical model to quantify correlation in two-electron atomic/ionic systems and subsequently employ it to examine the role of inter-electronic repulsion in affecting (i) the bare (unc orrelated) single-particle position- and momentum-space charge distributions and (ii) corresponding Shannons information entropies. The results presented for the first five members in the helium iso-electronic sequence, on the one hand, correctly demonstrate the effect of correlation on bare charge distributions and, on the other hand, lead us to some important results for the correlated and uncorrelated values of the entropies. These include the limiting behavior of the correlated entropy sum (sum of position- and momentum-space entropies) and geometrical realization for the variation of information entropies as a function of Z. We suggest that, rather than the entropy sum, individual entropies should be regarded as better candidates for the measure of correlation.
We prove a necessary and sufficient condition for the occurrence of entanglement in two two-level systems, simple enough to be of experimental interest. Our results are illustrated in the context of a spin star system analyzing the exact entanglement evolution of the central couple of spins.
233 - Qiang Wang , Jie Liu , Li-Bin Fu 2015
In this paper we show that electron-positron pairs can be pumped inexhaustibly with a constant production rate from the one dimensional potential well with oscillating depth or width. Bound states embedded in the the Dirac sea can be pulled out and p ushed to the positive continuum, and become scattering states. Pauli block, which dominant the saturation of pair creation in the static super-critical potential well, can be broken by the ejection of electrons. We find that the width oscillating mode is more efficient that the depth oscillating mode. In the adiabatic limit, pair number as a function of upper boundary of the oscillating, will reveal the diving of the bound states.
70 - Kazuo Fujikawa , C. H. Oh 2016
A conceptually simpler proof of the separability criterion for two-qubit systems, which is referred to as Hefei inequality in literature, is presented. This inequality gives a necessary and sufficient separability criterion for any mixed two-qubit sy stem unlike the Bell-CHSH inequality that cannot test the mixed-states such as the Werner state when regarded as a separability criterion. The original derivation of this inequality emphasized the uncertainty relation of complementary observables, but we show that the uncertainty relation does not play any role in the actual derivation and the Peres-Hodrodecki condition is solely responsible for the inequality. Our derivation, which contains technically novel aspects such as an analogy to the Dirac equation, sheds light on this inequality and on the fundamental issue to what extent the uncertainty relation can provide a test of entanglement. This separability criterion is illustrated for an exact treatment of the Werner state.
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