In this paper, we study further properties and applications of weighted homology and persistent homology. We introduce the Mayer-Vietoris sequence and generalized Bockstein spectral sequence for weighted homology. For applications, we show an algorit
hm to construct a filtration of weighted simplicial complexes from a weighted network. We also prove a theorem that allows us to calculate the mod $p^2$ weighted persistent homology given some information on the mod $p$ weighted persistent homology.
In this paper, we generalize the combinatorial Laplace operator of Horak and Jost by introducing the $phi$-weighted coboundary operator induced by a weight function $phi$. Our weight function $phi$ is a generalization of Dawsons weighted boundary map
. We show that our above-mentioned generalizations include new cases that are not covered by previous literature. Our definition of weighted Laplacian for weighted simplicial complexes is also applicable to weighted/unweighted graphs and digraphs.
Multidimensional persistence studies topological features of shapes by analyzing the lower level sets of vector-valued functions. The rank invariant completely determines the multidimensional analogue of persistent homology groups. We prove that mult
idimensional rank invariants are stable with respect to function perturbations. More precisely, we construct a distance between rank invariants such that small changes of the function imply only small changes of the rank invariant. This result can be obtained by assuming the function to be just continuous. Multidimensional stability opens the way to a stable shape comparison methodology based on multidimensional persistence.
We derive the relationship between the persistent homology barcodes of two dual filtered CW complexes. Applied to greyscale digital images, we obtain an algorithm to convert barcodes between the two different (dual) topological models of pixel connectivity.
For a fixed $N$, we analyze the space of all sequences $z=(z_1,dots,z_N)$, approximating a continuous function on the circle, with a given persistence diagram $P$, and show that the typical components of this space are homotopy equivalent to $S^1$. W
e also consider the space of functions on $Y$-shaped (resp., star-shaped) trees with a 2-point persistence diagram, and show that this space is homotopy equivalent to $S^1$ (resp., to a bouquet of circles).