Geometric realizations of cyclic actions on surfaces

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Let $ text{Mod}(S_g)$ denote the mapping class group of the closed orientable surface $S_g$ of genus $ggeq 2$, and let $fin text{Mod}(S_g)$ be of finite order. We give an inductive procedure to construct an explicit hyperbolic structure on $S_g$ that realizes $f$ as an isometry. In other words, this procedure yields an explicit solution to the Nielsen realization problem for cyclic subgroups of $ text{Mod}(S_g)$. Furthermore, we give a purely combinatorial perspective by showing how certain finite order mapping classes can be viewed as fat graph automorphisms. As an application of our realizations, we determine the sizes of maximal reduction systems for certain finite order mapping classes. Moreover, we describe a method to compute the image of finite order mapping classes and the roots of Dehn twists, under the symplectic representation $Psi: text{Mod}(S_g) to text{Sp}(2g; mathbb{Z})$.

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