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Public transportation in UK viewed as a complex network

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 نشر من قبل Robin de Regt
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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In this paper we investigate the topological and spatial features of public transport networks (PTN) within the UK. Networks investigated include London, Manchester, West Midlands, Bristol, national rail and coach networks during 2011. Using methods in complex network theory and statistical physics we are able to discriminate PTNs with respect to their stability; which is the first of this kind for national networks. Moreover, taking advantage of various fractal properties we gain useful insights into the serviceable area of stations. These features can be employed as key performance indicators in aid of further developing efficient and stable PTNs.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Multimodal transportation systems can be represented as time-resolved multilayer networks where different transportation modes connecting the same set of nodes are associated to distinct network layers. Their quantitative description became possible recently due to openly accessible datasets describing the geolocalised transportation dynamics of large urban areas. Advancements call for novel analytics, which combines earlier established methods and exploits the inherent complexity of the data. Here, our aim is to provide a novel user-based methodological framework to represent public transportation systems considering the total travel time, its variability across the schedule, and taking into account the number of transfers necessary. Using this framework we analyse public transportation systems in several French municipal areas. We incorporate travel routes and times over multiple transportation modes to identify efficient transportation connections and non-trivial connectivity patterns. The proposed method enables us to quantify the networks overall efficiency as compared to the specific demand and to the car alternative.
In this paper, we reveal the relationship between entropy rate and the congestion in complex network and solve it analytically for special cases. Finding maximizing entropy rate will lead to an improvement of traffic efficiency, we propose a method t o mitigate congestion by allocating limited traffic capacity to the nodes in network rationally. Different from former strategies, our method only requires local and observable information of network, and is low-cost and widely applicable in practice. In the simulation of the phase transition for various network models, our method performs well in mitigating congestion both locally and globally. By comparison, we also uncover the deficiency of former degree-biased approaches. Owing to the rapid development of transportation networks, our method may be helpful for modern society.
The goals of this paper are to present criteria, that allow to a priori quantify the attack stability of real world correlated networks of finite size and to check how these criteria correspond to analytic results available for infinite uncorrelated networks. As a case study, we consider public transportation networks (PTN) of several major cities of the world. To analyze their resilience against attacks either the network nodes or edges are removed in specific sequences (attack scenarios). During each scenario the size S(c) of the largest remaining network component is observed as function of the removed share c of nodes or edges. To quantify the PTN stability with respect to different attack scenarios we use the area below the curve described by S(c) for c in [0,1] recently introduced (Schneider, C. M, et al., PNAS 108 (2011) 3838) as a numerical measure of network robustness. This measure captures the network reaction over the whole attack sequence. We present results of the analysis of PTN stability against node and link-targeted attacks.
In this paper we aim to demonstrate how physical perspective enriches usual statistical analysis when dealing with a complex system of many interacting agents of non-physical origin. To this end, we discuss analysis of urban public transportation net works viewed as complex systems. In such studies, a multi-disciplinary approach is applied by integrating methods in both data processing and statistical physics to investigate the correlation between public transportation network topological features and their operational stability. The studies incorporate concepts of coarse graining and clusterization, universality and scaling, stability and percolation behavior, diffusion and fractal analysis.
632 - Yihong Hu , Daoli Zhu 2008
In this paper we present an empirical study of the worldwide maritime transportation network (WMN) in which the nodes are ports and links are container liners connecting the ports. Using the different representation of network topology namely the spa ce $L$ and $P$, we study the statistical properties of WMN including degree distribution, degree correlations, weight distribution, strength distribution, average shortest path length, line length distribution and centrality measures. We find that WMN is a small-world network with power law behavior. Important nodes are identified based on different centrality measures. Through analyzing weighted cluster coefficient and weighted average nearest neighbors degree, we reveal the hierarchy structure and rich-club phenomenon in the network.
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