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Stress Response of Granular Systems

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 نشر من قبل Kabir Ramola
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We develop a framework for stress response in two dimensional granular media, with and without friction, that respects vector force balance at the microscopic level. We introduce local gauge degrees of freedom that determine the response of contact forces between constituent grains on a given, disordered, contact network, to external perturbations. By mapping this response to the spectral properties of the graph Laplacian corresponding to the underlying contact network, we show that this naturally leads to spatial localization of forces. We present numerical evidence for localization using exact diagonalization studies of network Laplacians of soft disk packings. Finally, we discuss the role of other constraints, such as torque balance, in determining the stability of a granular packing to external perturbations.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We give a statistical-mechanical theory of stress transmission in disordered arrays of rigid grains with perfect friction. Starting from the equations of microscopic force and torque balance we derive the fundamental equations of stress equilibrium. We illustrate the validity of our approach by solving the stress distribution of a homogeneous and isotropic array.
331 - R. C. Ball , D. V. Grinev 1998
The transmission of stress is analysed for static periodic arrays of rigid grains, with perfect and zero friction. For minimal coordination number (which is sensitive to friction, sphericity and dimensionality), the stress distribution is soluble wit hout reference to the corresponding displacement fields. In non-degenerate cases, the constitutive equations are found to be simple linear in the stress components. The corresponding coefficients depend crucially upon geometrical disorder of the grain contacts.
We experimentally and numerically examine stress-dependent electrical transport in granular materials to elucidate the origins of their universal dielectric response. The ac responses of granular systems under varied compressive loadings consistently exhibit a transition from a resistive plateau at low frequencies to a state of nearly constant loss at high frequencies. By using characteristic frequencies corresponding to the onset of conductance dispersion and measured direct-current resistance as scaling parameters to normalize the measured impedance, results of the spectra under different stress states collapse onto a single master curve, revealing well-defined stress-independent universality. In order to model this electrical transport, a contact network is constructed on the basis of prescribed packing structures, which is then used to establish a resistor-capacitor network by considering interactions between individual particles. In this model the frequency-dependent network response meaningfully reproduces the experimentally observed master curve exhibited by granular materials under various normal stress levels indicating this universal scaling behaviour is found to be governed by i) interfacial properties between grains and ii) the network configuration. The findings suggest the necessity of considering contact morphologies and packing structures in modelling electrical responses using network-based approaches.
207 - Shio Inagaki , Michio Otuski , 2009
We study the history dependence of the mechanical properties of granular media by numerical simulations. We perform a compaction of frictional disk packings in a two-dimensional system by controlling the area of the domain with various strain rates. We then find the strain rate dependence of the critical packing fraction above which the pressure becomes finite. The observed behavior makes a contrast with the well-studied jamming transitions for frictionless disk packings. We also observe that the elastic constants of the disk packings depend on the strain rate logarithmically. This result provides a experimental test for the history dependence of granular systems.
We present measurements of the stress response of packings formed from a wide range of particle shapes. Besides spheres these include convex shapes such as the Platonic solids, truncated tetrahedra, and triangular bipyramids, as well as more complex, non-convex geometries such as hexapods with various arm lengths, dolos, and tetrahedral frames. All particles were 3D-printed in hard resin. Well-defined initial packing states were established through preconditioning by cyclic loading under given confinement pressure. Starting from such initial states, stress-strain relationships for axial compression were obtained at four different confining pressures for each particle type. While confining pressure has the largest overall effect on the mechanical response, we find that particle shape controls the details of the stress-strain curves and can be used to tune packing stiffness and yielding. By correlating the experimentally measured values for the effective Youngs modulus under compression, yield stress and energy loss during cyclic loading, we identify trends among the various shapes that allow for designing a packings aggregate behavior.
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