Nonclassical Light Generation from III-V and Group-IV Solid-State Cavity Quantum Systems

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In this chapter, we present the state-of-the-art in the generation of nonclassical states of light using semiconductor cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) platforms. Our focus is on the photon blockade effects that enable the generation of indistinguishable photon streams with high purity and efficiency. Starting with the leading platform of InGaAs quantum dots in optical nanocavities, we review the physics of a single quantum emitter strongly coupled to a cavity. Furthermore, we propose a complete model for photon blockade and tunneling in III-V quantum dot cavity QED systems. Turning toward quantum emitters with small inhomogeneous broadening, we propose a direction for novel experiments for nonclassical light generation based on group-IV color-center systems. We present a model of a multi-emitter cavity QED platform, which features richer dressed-states ladder structures, and show how it can offer opportunities for studying new regimes of high-quality photon blockade.

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