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Logical Characterization of Bisimulation Metrics

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 نشر من قبل EPTCS
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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Bisimulation metrics provide a robust and accurate approach to study the behavior of nondeterministic probabilistic processes. In this paper, we propose a logical characterization of bisimulation metrics based on a simple probabilistic variant of the Hennessy-Milner logic. Our approach is based on the novel notions of mimicking formulae and distance between formulae. The former are a weak version of the well known characteristic formulae and allow us to characterize also (ready) probabilistic simulation and probabilistic bisimilarity. The latter is a 1-bounded pseudometric on formulae that mirrors the Hausdorff and Kantorovich lifting the defining bisimilarity pseudometric. We show that the distance between two processes equals the distance between their own mimicking formulae.

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In this paper we continue our research line on logical characterizations of behavioral metrics obtained from the definition of a metric over the set of logical properties of interest. This time we provide a characterization of both strong and weak tr ace metric on nondeterministic probabilistic processes, based on a minimal boolean logic L which we prove to be powerful enough to characterize strong and weak probabilistic trace equivalence. Moreover, we also prove that our characterization approach can be restated in terms of a more classic probabilistic L-model checking problem.
242 - Yuxin Deng , Wenjie Du 2011
Many behavioural equivalences or preorders for probabilistic processes involve a lifting operation that turns a relation on states into a relation on distributions of states. We show that several existing proposals for lifting relations can be reconc iled to be different presentations of essentially the same lifting operation. More interestingly, this lifting operation nicely corresponds to the Kantorovich metric, a fundamental concept used in mathematics to lift a metric on states to a metric on distributions of states, besides the fact the lifting operation is related to the maximum flow problem in optimisation theory. The lifting operation yields a neat notion of probabilistic bisimulation, for which we provide logical, metric, and algorithmic characterisations. Specifically, we extend the Hennessy-Milner logic and the modal mu-calculus with a new modality, resulting in an adequate and an expressive logic for probabilistic bisimilarity, respectively. The correspondence of the lifting operation and the Kantorovich metric leads to a natural characterisation of bisimulations as pseudometrics which are post-fixed points of a monotone function. We also present an on the fly algorithm to check if two states in a finitary system are related by probabilistic bisimilarity, exploiting the close relationship between the lifting operation and the maximum flow problem.
Most fairness assumptions used for verifying liveness properties are criticised for being too strong or unrealistic. On the other hand, justness, arguably the minimal fairness assumption required for the verification of liveness properties, is not pr eserved by classical semantic equivalences, such as strong bisimilarity. To overcome this deficiency, we introduce a finer alternative to strong bisimilarity, called enabling preserving bisimilarity. We prove that this equivalence is justness-preserving and a congruence for all standard operators, including parallel composition.
149 - Yuan Feng , Yuxin Deng , 2012
With the previous notions of bisimulation presented in literature, to check if two quantum processes are bisimilar, we have to instantiate the free quantum variables of them with arbitrary quantum states, and verify the bisimilarity of resultant conf igurations. This makes checking bisimilarity infeasible from an algorithmic point of view because quantum states constitute a continuum. In this paper, we introduce a symbolic operational semantics for quantum processes directly at the quantum operation level, which allows us to describe the bisimulation between quantum processes without resorting to quantum states. We show that the symbolic bisimulation defined here is equivalent to the open bisimulation for quantum processes in the previous work, when strong bisimulations are considered. An algorithm for checking symbolic ground bisimilarity is presented. We also give a modal logical characterisation for quantum bisimilarity based on an extension of Hennessy-Milner logic to quantum processes.
173 - Yuxin Deng , Yuan Feng 2012
Quantum processes describe concurrent communicating systems that may involve quantum information. We propose a notion of open bisimulation for quantum processes and show that it provides both a sound and complete proof methodology for a natural exten sional behavioural equivalence between quantum processes. We also give a modal characterisation of open bisimulation, by extending the Hennessy-Milner logic to a quantum setting.
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