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Five-loop massive tadpoles

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 نشر من قبل York Schroder
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث
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We provide an update on a long-term project that aims at evaluating massive vacuum integrals at the five-loop frontier, with high precision and in various space-time dimensions. A number of applications are sketched, mainly concerning the determination of anomalous dimensions, for quantum field theories in four, three and two dimensions.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We evaluate the three-loop massive vacuum bubble diagrams in terms of polylogarithms up to weight six. We also construct the basis of irrational constants being harmonic polylgarithms of arguments $e^{k i pi/3}$.
65 - B. Ruijl , F. Herzog 2018
We sketch how the R*-operation can be used to compute the pole terms of Feynman diagrams. We identify computational difficulties when performing five-loop calculations, and provide four solutions that drastically reduce the number of terms that are g enerated. Using these methods, we have computed the beta function for Yang-Mills theory with fermions, the R-ratio in electron-positron annihilation, and Higgs decays to quarks and gluons at five-loop accuracy. The results for the beta function and Higgs decay width to gluons in the heavy-top limit are briefly discussed. There is no need for six-loop extensions of these calculations in the near future.
We present the complete set of vertex, wave function and charge renormalisation constants in QCD in a general simple gauge group and with the complete dependence on the covariant gauge parameter $xi$ in the minimal subtraction scheme of conventional dimensional regularisation. Our results confirm all already known results, which were obtained in the Feynman gauge, and allow the extraction of other useful gauges such as the Landau gauge. We use these results to extract the Landau gauge five-loop anomalous dimensions of the composite operator $A^2$ as well as the Landau gauge scheme independent gluon, ghost and fermion propagators at five loops.
We compute a complete set of independent leading-color two-loop five-parton amplitudes in QCD. These constitute a fundamental ingredient for the next-to-next-to-leading order QCD corrections to three-jet production at hadron colliders. We show how to consistently consider helicity amplitudes with external fermions in dimensional regularization, allowing the application of a numerical variant of the unitarity approach. Amplitudes are computed by exploiting a decomposition of the integrand into master and surface terms that is independent of the parton type. Master integral coefficients are numerically computed in either finite-field or floating-point arithmetic and combined with known analytic master integrals. We recompute two-loop leading-color four-parton amplitudes as a check of our implementation. Results are presented for all independent four- and five-parton processes including contributions with massless closed fermion loops.
131 - S. Abreu , H. Ita , F. Moriello 2020
We present the computation of a full set of planar five-point two-loop master integrals with one external mass. These integrals are an important ingredient for two-loop scattering amplitudes for two-jet-associated W-boson production at leading color in QCD. We provide a set of pure integrals together with differential equations in canonical form. We obtain analytic differential equations efficiently from numerical samples over finite fields, fitting an ansatz built from symbol letters. The symbol alphabet itself is constructed from cut differential equations and we find that it can be written in a remarkably compact form. We comment on the analytic properties of the integrals and confirm the extended Steinmann relations, which govern the double discontinuities of Feynman integrals, to all orders in $epsilon$. We solve the differential equations in terms of generalized power series on single-parameter contours in the space of Mandelstam invariants. This form of the solution trivializes the analytic continuation and the integrals can be evaluated in all kinematic regions with arbitrary numerical precision.
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