We present Auger-electron-detected magnetic resonance (AEDMR) experiments on phosphorus donors in silicon, where the selective optical generation of donor-bound excitons is used for the electrical detection of the electron spin state. Because of the long dephasing times of the electron spins in isotopically purified $^{28}$Si, weak microwave fields are sufficient, which allow to realize broadband AEDMR in a commercial ESR resonator. Implementing Auger-electron-detected ENDOR, we further demonstrate the optically-assisted control of the nuclear spin under conditions where the hyperfine splitting is not resolved in the optical spectrum. Compared to previous studies, this significantly relaxes the requirements on the sample and the experimental setup, e.g. with respect to strain, isotopic purity and temperature. We show AEDMR of phosphorus donors in silicon with natural isotope composition, and discuss the feasibility of ENDOR measurements also in this system.