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Loop super-Virasoro Lie conformal superalgebra

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 نشر من قبل Jianzhi Han
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث
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The loop super-Virasoro conformal superalgebra $mathfrak{cls}$ associated with the loop super-Virasoro algebra is constructed in the present paper. The conformal superderivation algebra of $mathfrak{cls}$ is completely determined, which is shown to consist of inner superderivations. And nontrivial free and free $mathbb{Z}$-graded $mathfrak{cls}$-modules of rank two are classified. We also give a classification of irreducible free $mathfrak{cls}$-modules of rank two and all irreducible submodules of each free $mathbb{Z}$-graded $mathfrak{cls}$-module of rank two.

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اقرأ أيضاً

187 - Xiaoli Kong , Chengming Bai 2008
In this paper, we classify the compatible left-symmetric superalgebra structures on the super-Virasoro algebras satisfying certain natural conditions.
In the present paper, we introduce a class of infinite Lie conformal superalgebras $mathcal{S}(p)$, which are closely related to Lie conformal algebras of extended Block type defined in cite{CHS}. Then all finite non-trivial irreducible conformal mod ules over $mathcal{S}(p)$ for $pinC^*$ are completely classified. As an application, we also present the classifications of finite non-trivial irreducible conformal modules over finite quotient algebras $mathfrak{s}(n)$ for $ngeq1$ and $mathfrak{sh}$ which is isomorphic to a subalgebra of Lie conformal algebra of $N=2$ superconformal algebra. Moreover, as a generalized version of $mathcal{S}(p)$, the infinite Lie conformal superalgebras $mathcal{GS}(p)$ are constructed, which have a subalgebra isomorphic to the finite Lie conformal algebra of $N=2$ superconformal algebra.
133 - J. Fuchs , C. Schweigert 2000
The role of automorphisms of infinite-dimensional Lie algebras in conformal field theory is examined. Two main types of applications are discussed; they are related to the enhancement and reduction of symmetry, respectively. The structures one encoun ters also appear in other areas of physics and mathematics. In particular, they lead to two conjectures on the sub-bundle structure of chiral blocks, and they are instrumental in the study of conformally invariant boundary conditions.
91 - Kang Lu 2021
We give explicit actions of Drinfeld generators on Gelfand-Tsetlin bases of super Yangian modules associated with skew Young diagrams. In particular, we give another proof that these representations are irreducible. We study irreducible tame $mathrm Y(mathfrak{gl}_{1|1})$-modules and show that a finite-dimensional irreducible $mathrm Y(mathfrak{gl}_{1|1})$-module is tame if and only if it is thin. We also give the analogous statements for quantum affine superalgebra of type A.
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