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A Geometric Approach to the stabilisation of certain sequences of Kronecker coefficients

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 نشر من قبل Maxime Pelletier
 تاريخ النشر 2016
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 تأليف Maxime Pelletier

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We give another proof, using tools from Geometric Invariant Theory, of a result due to S. Sam and A. Snowden in 2014, concerning the stability of Kro-necker coefficients. This result states that some sequences of Kronecker coefficients eventually stabilise, and our method gives a nice geometric bound from which the stabilisation occurs. We perform the explicit computation of such a bound on two examples, one being the classical case of Murnaghans stability. Moreover, we see that our techniques apply to other coefficients arising in Representation Theory: namely to some plethysm coefficients and in the case of the tensor product of representations of the hyperoctahedral group.

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The computation of Kronecker coefficients is a challenging problem with a variety of applications. In this paper we present an approach based on methods from symplectic geometry and residue calculus. We outline a general algorithm for the problem and then illustrate its effectiveness in several interesting examples. Significantly, our algorithm does not only compute individual Kronecker coefficients, but also symbolic formulas that are valid on an entire polyhedral chamber. As a byproduct, we are able to compute several Hilbert series.
These notes are an expanded version of a talk given by the second author. Our main interest is focused on the challenging problem of computing Kronecker coefficients. We decided, at the beginning, to take a very general approach to the problem of stu dying multiplicity functions, and we survey the various aspects of the theory that comes into play, giving a detailed bibliography to orient the reader. Nonetheless the main general theorems involving multiplicities functions (convexity, quasi-polynomial behavior, Jeffrey-Kirwan residues) are stated without proofs. Then, we present in detail our approach to the computational problem, giving explicit formulae, and outlining an algorithm that calculate many interesting examples, some of which appear in the literature also in connection with Hilbert series.
147 - Stefan Wolf 2009
Quiver Grassmannians and quiver flags are natural generalisations of usual Grassmannians and flags. They arise in the study of quiver representations and Hall algebras. In general, they are projective varieties which are neither smooth nor irreducibl e. We use a scheme theoretic approach to calculate their tangent space and to obtain a dimension estimate similar to one of Reineke. Using this we can show that if there is a generic representation, then these varieties are smooth and irreducible. If we additionally have a counting polynomial we deduce that their Euler characteristic is positive and that the counting polynomial evaluated at zero yields one. After having done so, we introduce a geometric version of BGP reflection functors which allows us to deduce an even stronger result about the constant coefficient of the counting polynomial. We use this to obtain an isomorphism between the Hall algebra at q=0 and Reinekes generic extension monoid in the Dynkin case.
Ensilication is a technology we developed that can physically stabilise proteins in silica without use of a pre-formed particle matrix. Stabilisation is done by tailor fitting individual proteins with a silica coat using a modified sol-gel process. B iopharmaceuticals, for example, liquid-formulated vaccines with adjuvants, have poor thermal stability. Heating or freezing impairs their potency. As a result, there is an increase in the prevalence of vaccine-preventable diseases in low-income countries even when there are means to combat them. One of the root causes lies in the problematic vaccine cold-chain distribution. We believe that ensilication can improve vaccine availability by enabling transportation without refrigeration. Here, we show that ensilication stabilises tetanus toxoid C fragment (TTCF) and demonstrate that this material can be stored and transported at ambient temperature without compromising the immunogenic properties of TTCF in vivo. TTCF is a component of the diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (DTP) vaccine. To further our understanding of the ensilication process, and its protective effect on proteins we have studied the formation of TTCF-silica nanoparticles via time-resolved Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS). Our results reveal ensilication to be a staged diffusion-limited cluster aggregation (DLCA) type reaction, induced by the presence of TTCF protein at neutral pH. Analysis of scattering data indicates tailor fitting of TTCF protein. The experimental in vivo immunisation data confirms the retention of immunogenicity after release from silica. Our results suggest that we could utilise this technology for multicomponent vaccines, therapeutics or other biopharmaceuticals that are not compatible with lyophilisation.
171 - Roman Bezrukavnikov 2012
The article is a contribution to the local theory of geometric Langlands correspondence. The main result is a categorification of the isomorphism between the (extended) affine Hecke algebra, thought of as an algebra of Iwahori bi-invariant functions on a semi-simple group over a local non-Archimedian field, and Grothendieck group of equivariant coherent sheaves on Steinberg variety of the Langlands dual group; this isomorphism due to Kazhdan--Lusztig and Ginzburg is a key step in the proof of tamely ramified local Langlands conjectures. The paper is a continuation of an earlier joint work with S. Arkhipov, it relies on technical material developed in a paper with Z. Yun.
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