The Ultraviolet and Infrared Star Formation Rates of Compact Group Galaxies: An Expanded Sample

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Compact groups of galaxies provide insight into the role of low-mass, dense environments in galaxy evolution because the low velocity dispersions and close proximity of galaxy members result in frequent interactions that take place over extended timescales. We expand the census of star formation in compact group galaxies by citet{tzanavaris10} and collaborators with Swift UVOT, Spitzer IRAC and MIPS 24 micron photometry of a sample of 183 galaxies in 46 compact groups. After correcting luminosities for the contribution from old stellar populations, we estimate the dust-unobscured star formation rate (SFR$_{mathrm{UV}}$) using the UVOT uvw2photometry. Similarly, we use the MIPS 24 micron photometry to estimate the component of the SFR that is obscured by dust (SFR$_{mathrm{IR}}$). We find that galaxies which are MIR-active (MIR-red), also have bluer UV colours, higher specific star formation rates, and tend to lie in H~{sc i}-rich groups, while galaxies that are MIR-inactive (MIR-blue) have redder UV colours, lower specific star formation rates, and tend to lie in H~{sc i}-poor groups. We find the SFRs to be continuously distributed with a peak at about 1 M$_{odot}$ yr$^{-1}$, indicating this might be the most common value in compact groups. In contrast, the specific star formation rate distribution is bimodal, and there is a clear distinction between star-forming and quiescent galaxies. Overall, our results suggest that the specific star formation rate is the best tracer of gas depletion and galaxy evolution in compact groups.

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