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RCSLenS: The Red Cluster Sequence Lensing Survey

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 نشر من قبل Hendrik Hildebrandt
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present the Red-sequence Cluster Lensing Survey (RCSLenS), an application of the methods developed for the Canada France Hawaii Telescope Lensing Survey (CFHTLenS) to the ~785deg$^2$, multi-band imaging data of the Red-sequence Cluster Survey 2 (RCS2). This project represents the largest public, sub-arcsecond seeing, multi-band survey to date that is suited for weak gravitational lensing measurements. With a careful assessment of systematic errors in shape measurements and photometric redshifts we extend the use of this data set to allow cross-correlation analyses between weak lensing observables and other data sets. We describe the imaging data, the data reduction, masking, multi-colour photometry, photometric redshifts, shape measurements, tests for systematic errors, and a blinding scheme to allow for more objective measurements. In total we analyse 761 pointings with r-band coverage, which constitutes our lensing sample. Residual large-scale B-mode systematics prevent the use of this shear catalogue for cosmic shear science. The effective number density of lensing sources over an unmasked area of 571.7deg$^2$ and down to a magnitude limit of r~24.5 is 8.1 galaxies per arcmin$^2$ (weighted: 5.5 arcmin$^{-2}$) distributed over 14 patches on the sky. Photometric redshifts based on 4-band griz data are available for 513 pointings covering an unmasked area of 383.5 deg$^2$ We present weak lensing mass reconstructions of some example clusters as well as the full survey representing the largest areas that have been mapped in this way. All our data products are publicly available through CADC at http://www.cadc-ccda.hia-iha.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/en/community/rcslens/query.html in a format very similar to the CFHTLenS data release.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

In this paper we present results of applying the shear-ratio method to the RCSLenS data. The method takes the ratio of the mean of the weak lensing tangential shear signal about galaxy clusters, averaged over all clusters of the same redshift, in mul tiple background redshift bins. In taking a ratio the mass-dependency of the shear signal is cancelled-out leaving a statistic that is dependent on the geometric part of the lensing kernel only. We apply this method to 535 clusters and measure a cosmology-independent distance-redshift relation to redshifts z~1. In combination with Planck data the method lifts the degeneracies in the CMB measurements, resulting in cosmological parameter constraints of OmegaM=0.31 +/- 0.10 and w0 = -1.02 +/- 0.37, for a flat wCDM cosmology.
We present the results of a study of weak gravitational lensing by galaxies using imaging data that were obtained as part of the second Red Sequence Cluster Survey (RCS2). In order to compare to the baryonic properties of the lenses we focus here on the ~300 square degrees that overlap with the DR7 of the SDSS. The depth and image quality of the RCS2 enables us to significantly improve upon earlier work for luminous galaxies at z>=0.3. Comparison with dynamical masses from the SDSS shows a good correlation with the lensing mass for early-type galaxies. For low luminosity (stellar mass) early-type galaxies we find a satellite fraction of ~40% which rapidly decreases to <10% with increasing luminosity (stellar mass). The satellite fraction of the late-types has a value in the range 0-15%. We find that early-types in the range 10^10<L_r<10^11.5 Lsun have virial masses that are about five times higher than those of late-type galaxies and that the mass scales as M_200 propto L^2.34 +0.09 -0.16. We also measure the virial mass-to-light ratio, and find for L_200<10^11 Lsun a value of M_200/L_200=42+-10 for early-types, which increases for higher luminosities to values that are consistent with those observed for groups and clusters of galaxies. For late-type galaxies we find a lower value of M_200/L_200=17+-9. Our measurements also show that early- and late-type galaxies have comparable halo masses for stellar masses M_*<10^11 Msun, whereas the virial masses of early-type galaxies are higher for higher stellar masses. Finally, we determine the efficiency with which baryons have been converted into stars. Our results for early-type galaxies suggest a variation in efficiency with a minimum of ~10% for a stellar mass M_*,200=10^12 Msun. The results for the late-type galaxies are not well constrained, but do suggest a larger value. (abridged)
We study the evolution of galaxy populations around the spectroscopic WiggleZ sample of starforming galaxies at 0.25 < z < 0.75 using the photometric catalog from the Second Red-Sequence Cluster Survey (RCS2). We probe the optical photometric propert ies of the net excess neighbor galaxies. The key concept is that the marker galaxies and their neighbors are located at the same redshift, providing a sample of galaxies representing a complete census of galaxies in the neighborhood of star-forming galaxies. The results are compared with those using the RCS WiggleZ Spare-Fibre (RCS-WSF) sample as markers, representing galaxies in cluster environments at 0.25 < z < 0.45. By analyzing the stacked color-color properties of the WiggleZ neighbor galaxies, we find that their optical colors are not a strong function of indicators of star-forming activities such as EW([OII]) or GALEX NUV luminoisty of the markers. The galaxies around the WiggleZ markers exhibit a bimodal distribution on the color-magnitude diagram, with most of them located in the blue cloud. The optical galaxy luminosity functions (GLF) of the blue neighbor galaxies have a faint-end slope alpha of sim -1.3, similar to that for galaxies in cluster environments drawn from the RCS-WSF sample. The faint-end slope of the GLF for the red neighbors, however, is sim -0.4, significantly shallower than the sim -0.7 found for those in cluster environments. This suggests that the build-up of the faint-end of the red sequence in cluster environments is in a significantly more advanced stage than that in the star-forming and lower galaxy density WiggleZ neighborhoods. We find that the red galaxy fraction (fred) around the star-forming WiggleZ galaxies has similar values from z sim 0.3 to z sim 0.6 with fred sim 0.28, but drops to fred sim 0.20 at z > sim0.7. This change of fred with redshift suggests that (and more...)
The red sequence is an important feature of galaxy clusters and plays a crucial role in optical cluster detection. Measurement of the slope and scatter of the red sequence are affected both by selection of red sequence galaxies and measurement errors . In this paper, we describe a new error corrected Gaussian Mixture Model for red sequence galaxy identification. Using this technique, we can remove the effects of measurement error and extract unbiased information about the intrinsic properties of the red sequence. We use this method to select red sequence galaxies in each of the 13,823 clusters in the maxBCG catalog, and measure the red sequence ridgeline location and scatter of each. These measurements provide precise constraints on the variation of the average red galaxy populations in the observed frame with redshift. We find that the scatter of the red sequence ridgeline increases mildly with redshift, and that the slope decreases with redshift. We also observe that the slope does not strongly depend on cluster richness. Using similar methods, we show that this behavior is mirrored in a spectroscopic sample of field galaxies, further emphasizing that ridgeline properties are independent of environment.
We present results from a set of simulations designed to constrain the weak lensing shear calibration for the Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) survey. These simulations include HSC observing conditions and galaxy images from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), with fully realistic galaxy morphologies and the impact of nearby galaxies included. We find that the inclusion of nearby galaxies in the images is critical to reproducing the observed distributions of galaxy sizes and magnitudes, due to the non-negligible fraction of unrecognized blends in ground-based data, even with the excellent typical seeing of the HSC survey (0.58 in the $i$-band). Using these simulations, we detect and remove the impact of selection biases due to the correlation of weights and the quantities used to define the sample (S/N and apparent size) with the lensing shear. We quantify and remove galaxy property-dependent multiplicative and additive shear biases that are intrinsic to our shear estimation method, including a $sim 10$ per cent-level multiplicative bias due to the impact of nearby galaxies and unrecognized blends. Finally, we check the sensitivity of our shear calibration estimates to other cuts made on the simulated samples, and find that the changes in shear calibration are well within the requirements for HSC weak lensing analysis. Overall, the simulations suggest that the weak lensing multiplicative biases in the first-year HSC shear catalog are controlled at the 1 per cent level.
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