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Linear resolutions of powers and products

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 نشر من قبل Aldo Conca
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث
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The goal of this paper is to present examples of families of homogeneous ideals in the polynomial ring over a field that satisfy the following condition: every product of ideals of the family has a linear free resolution. As we will see, this condition is strongly correlated to good primary decompositions of the products and good homological and arithmetical properties of the associated multi-Rees algebras. The following families will be discussed in detail: polymatroidal ideals, ideals generated by linear forms and Borel fixed ideals of maximal minors. The main tools are Grobner bases and Sagbi deformation.

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This paper is concerned with the question of whether geometric structures such as cell complexes can be used to simultaneously describe the minimal free resolutions of all powers of a monomial ideal. We provide a full answer in the case of square-fre e monomial ideals of projective dimension one, by introducing a combinatorial construction of a family of (cubical) cell complexes whose 1-skeletons are powers of a graph that supports the resolution of the ideal.
We call shifted power a polynomial of the form $(x-a)^e$. The main goal of this paper is to obtain broadly applicable criteria ensuring that the elements of a finite family $F$ of shifted powers are linearly independent or, failing that, to give a lo wer bound on the dimension of the space of polynomials spanned by $F$. In particular, we give simple criteria ensuring that the dimension of the span of $F$ is at least $c.|F|$ for some absolute constant $c<1$. We also propose conjectures implying the linear independence of the elements of $F$. These conjectures are known to be true for the field of real numbers, but not for the field of complex numbers.
182 - Winfried Bruns , Aldo Conca 2008
Let $K$ be a field and $V$ and $W$ be $K$-vector spaces of dimension $m$ and $n$. Let $phi$ be the canonical map from $Hom(V,W)$ to $Hom(wedge^t V,wedge^t W)$. We investigate the Zariski closure $X_t$ of the image $Y_t$ of $phi$. In the case $t=min(m ,n)$, $Y_t=X_t$ is the cone over a Grassmannian, but $X_t$ is larger than $Y_t$ for $1<t<min(m,n)$. We analyze the $G=GL(V)timesGL(W)$-orbits in $X_t$ via the corresponding $G$-stable prime ideals. It turns out that they are classified by two numerical invariants, one of which is the rank and the other a related invariant that we call small rank. Surprisingly, the orbits in $X_tsetminus Y_t$ arise from the images $Y_u$ for $u<t$ and simple algebraic operations. In the last section we determine the singular locus of $X_t$. Apart from well-understood exceptional cases, it is formed by the elements of rank $le 1$ in $Y_t$.
80 - Pramod K Sharma 2019
Let $ A subset B$ be rings. An ideal $ J subset B$ is called power stable in $A$ if $ J^n cap A = (Jcap A)^n$ for all $ ngeq 1$. Further, $J$ is called ultimately power stable in $A$ if $ J^n cap A = (Jcap A)^n$ for all $n$ large i.e., $ n gg 0$. In this note, our focus is to study these concepts for pair of rings $ R subset R[X]$ where $R$ is an integral domain. Some of the results we prove are: A maximal ideal $textbf{m}$ in $R[X]$ is power stable in $R$ if and only if $ wp^t $ is $ wp-$primary for all $ t geq 1$ for the prime ideal $wp = textbf{m}cap R$. We use this to prove that for a Hilbert domain $R$, any radical ideal in $R[X]$ which is a finite intersection of G-ideals is power stable in $R$. Further, we prove that if $R$ is a Noetherian integral domain of dimension 1 then any radical ideal in $R[X] $ is power stable in $R$, and if every ideal in $R[X]$ is power stable in $R$ then $R$ is a field. We also show that if $ A subset B$ are Noetherian rings, and $ I $ is an ideal in $B$ which is ultimately power stable in $A$, then if $ I cap A = J$ is a radical ideal generated by a regular $A$-sequence, it is power stable. Finally, we give a relationship in power stability and ultimate power stability using the concept of reduction of an ideal (Theorem 3.22).
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