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We construct forecasts for cosmological parameter constraints from weak gravitational lensing surveys involving the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). Considering matter content, dark energy and modified gravity parameters, we show that the first phase of the SKA (SKA1) can be competitive with other Stage III experiments such as the Dark Energy Survey (DES) and that the full SKA (SKA2) can potentially form tighter constraints than Stage IV optical weak lensing experiments, such as those that will be conducted with LSST, WFIRST-AFTA or Euclid-like facilities. Using weak lensing alone, going from SKA1 to SKA2 represents improvements by factors of $sim10$ in matter, $sim10$ in dark energy and $sim5$ in modified gravity parameters. We also show, for the first time, the powerful result that comparably tight constraints (within $sim5%$) for both Stage III and Stage IV experiments, can be gained from cross-correlating shear maps between the optical and radio wavebands, a process which can also eliminate a number of potential sources of systematic errors which can otherwise limit the utility of weak lensing cosmology.
Weak gravitational lensing measurements are traditionally made at optical wavelengths where many highly resolved galaxy images are readily available. However, the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) holds great promise for this type of measurement at radio
General relativity predicts that the rotational momentum flux of matter twists the spacetime via a vector gravitomagnetic (frame-dragging) field, which so far remains undetected in cosmology. This vector field induces an additional gravitational lens
Cluster weak lensing is a sensitive probe of cosmology, particularly the amplitude of matter clustering $sigma_8$ and matter density parameter $Omega_m$. The main nuisance parameter in a cluster weak lensing cosmological analysis is the scatter betwe
We present measurements of the weak gravitational lensing shear power spectrum based on $450$ sq. deg. of imaging data from the Kilo Degree Survey. We employ a quadratic estimator in two and three redshift bins and extract band powers of redshift aut
In this manuscript of the habilitation `a diriger des recherches (HDR), the author presents some of his work over the last ten years. The main topic of this thesis is cosmic shear, the distortion of images of distant galaxies due to weak gravitationa