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AstroImageJ: Image Processing and Photometric Extraction for Ultra-Precise Astronomical Light Curves

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 نشر من قبل Karen Collins
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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ImageJ is a graphical user interface (GUI) driven, public domain, Java-based, software package for general image processing traditionally used mainly in life sciences fields. The image processing capabilities of ImageJ are useful and extendable to other scientific fields. Here we present AstroImageJ (AIJ), which provides an astronomy specific image display environment and tools for astronomy specific image calibration and data reduction. Although AIJ maintains the general purpose image processing capabilities of ImageJ, AIJ is streamlined for time-series differential photometry, light curve detrending and fitting, and light curve plotting, especially for applications requiring ultra-precise light curves (e.g., exoplanet transits). AIJ reads and writes standard FITS files, as well as other common image formats, provides FITS header viewing and editing, and is World Coordinate System (WCS) aware, including an automated interface to the astrometry.net web portal for plate solving images. AIJ provides research grade image calibration and analysis tools with a GUI driven approach, and easily installed cross-platform compatibility. It enables new users, even at the level of undergraduate student, high school student, or amateur astronomer, to quickly start processing, modeling, and plotting astronomical image data with one tightly integrated software package.

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ImageJ is a graphical user interface (GUI) driven, public domain, Java-based, software package for general image processing traditionally used mainly in life sciences fields. The image processing capabilities of ImageJ are useful and extendable to ot her scientific fields. Here we present AstroImageJ (AIJ), which provides an astronomy specific image display environment and tools for astronomy specific image calibration and data reduction. Although AIJ maintains the general purpose image processing capabilities of ImageJ, AIJ is streamlined for time-series differential photometry, light curve detrending and fitting, and light curve plotting, especially for applications requiring ultra-precise light curves (e.g., exoplanet transits). AIJ reads and writes standard FITS files, as well as other common image formats, provides FITS header viewing and editing, and is World Coordinate System (WCS) aware, including an automated interface to the astrometry.net web portal for plate solving images. AIJ provides research grade image calibration and analysis tools with a GUI driven approach, and easily installed cross-platform compatibility. It enables new users, even at the level of undergraduate student, high school student, or amateur astronomer, to quickly start processing, modeling, and plotting astronomical image data with one tightly integrated software package.
This paper describes the new QuickFind method in LcTools for finding signals and associated TTVs (Transit Timing Variations) in light curves from NASA space missions. QuickFind is adept at finding medium to large sized signals (generally those with S /N ratios above 15) extremely fast, significantly reducing overall processing time for a light curve as compared to the BLS detection method. For example, on the lead authors computer, QuickFind was able to detect both KOI signals for star 10937029 in a 14 quarter Kepler light curve spanning 1,459 days in roughly 2 seconds whereas BLS took about 155 seconds to find both signals making QuickFind in this example about 77 times faster than BLS. This paper focuses on the user interfaces, data processing algorithm, and performance tests for the QuickFind method in LcTools.
High fidelity iodine spectra provide the wavelength and instrument calibration needed to extract precise radial velocities (RVs) from stellar spectral observations taken through iodine cells. Such iodine spectra are usually taken by a Fourier Transfo rm Spectrometer (FTS). In this work, we investigated the reason behind the discrepancy between two FTS spectra of the iodine cell used for precise RV work with the High Resolution Spectrograph (HRS) at the Hobby-Eberly Telescope. We concluded that the discrepancy between the two HRS FTS spectra was due to temperature changes of the iodine cell. Our work demonstrated that the ultra-high resolution spectra taken by the TS12 arm of the Tull Spectrograph One at McDonald Observatory are of similar quality to the FTS spectra and thus can be used to validate the FTS spectra. Using the software IodineSpec5, which computes the iodine absorption lines at different temperatures, we concluded that the HET/HRS cell was most likely not at its nominal operating temperature of 70 degree Celsius during its FTS scan at NIST or at the TS12 measurement. We found that extremely high resolution echelle spectra (R>200,000) can validate and diagnose deficiencies in FTS spectra. We also recommend best practices for temperature control and nightly calibration of iodine cells.
224 - Michael T. Murphy 2012
Precise astronomical spectroscopic analyses routinely assume that individual pixels in charge-coupled devices (CCDs) have uniform sensitivity to photons. Intra-pixel sensitivity (IPS) variations may already cause small systematic errors in, for examp le, studies of extra-solar planets via stellar radial velocities and cosmological variability in fundamental constants via quasar spectroscopy, but future experiments requiring velocity precisions approaching ~1 cm/s will be more strongly affected. Laser frequency combs have been shown to provide highly precise wavelength calibration for astronomical spectrographs, but here we show that they can also be used to measure IPS variations in astronomical CCDs in situ. We successfully tested a laser frequency comb system on the Ultra-High Resolution Facility spectrograph at the Anglo-Australian Telescope. By modelling the 2-dimensional comb signal recorded in a single CCD exposure, we find that the average IPS deviates by <8 per cent if it is assumed to vary symmetrically about the pixel centre. We also demonstrate that series of comb exposures with absolutely known offsets between them can yield tighter constraints on symmetric IPS variations from ~100 pixels. We discuss measurement of asymmetric IPS variations and absolute wavelength calibration of astronomical spectrographs and CCDs using frequency combs.
162 - M. Zechmeister 2013
Optimal extraction is a key step in processing the raw images of spectra as registered by two-dimensional detector arrays to a one-dimensional format. Previously reported algorithms reconstruct models for a mean one-dimensional spatial profile to ass ist a properly weighted extraction. We outline a simple optimal extraction algorithm including error propagation, which is very suitable for stabilised, fibre-fed spectrographs and does not model the spatial profile shape. A high signal-to-noise, master-flat image serves as reference image and is directly used as an extraction profile mask. Each extracted spectral value is the scaling factor relative to the cross-section of the unnormalised master-flat which contains all information about the spatial profile as well as pixel-to-pixel variations, fringing, and blaze. The extracted spectrum is measured relative to the flat spectrum. Using echelle spectra of the HARPS spectrograph we demonstrate a competitive extraction performance in terms of signal-to-noise and show that extracted spectra can be used for high precision radial velocity measurement. Pre- or post-flat-fielding of the data is not necessary, since all spectrograph inefficiencies inherent to the extraction mask are automatically accounted for. Also the reconstruction of the mean spatial profile by models is not needed, thereby reducing the number of operations to extract spectra. Flat-relative optimal extraction is a simple, efficient, and robust method that can be applied easily to stabilised, fibre-fed spectrographs.
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