Electromagnetic selection rules in the triangular alpha-cluster model of 12C

الملخص بالإنكليزية

After recapitulating the procedure to find the bands and the states occurring in the $mathcal{D}_{3h}$ alpha-cluster model of $^{12}$C in which the clusters are placed at the vertexes of an equilateral triangle, we obtain the selection rules for electromagnetic transitions. While the alpha cluster structure leads to the cancellation of E1 transitions, the approximations carried out in deriving the roto-vibrational hamiltonian lead to the disappearance of M1 transitions. Furthermore, although in general the lowest active modes are E2, E3, $cdots$ and M2, M3, $cdots$, the cancellation of M2, M3 and M5 transitions between certain bands also occurs, as a result of the application of group theoretical techniques drawn from molecular physics. These implications can be very relevant for the spectroscopic analysis of $gamma$-ray spectra of $^{12}$C.

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