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We report on fabrication of a two-dimensional topological insulator-Bi(111) bilayer on Sb nanofilms via a sequential molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) growth technique. Our angle-resolved photoemission measurements demonstrate the evolution of the electronic band structure of the heterostructure as a function of the film thickness and reveal the existence of a two-dimensional spinful massless electron gas within the top Bi bilayer. Interestingly, Our first-principles calculation extrapolating the observed band structure shows that, by tuning down the thickness of the supporting Sb films into the quantum dimension regime, a pair of isolated topological edge states emerges in a partial energy gap at 0.32 eV above the Fermi level as a consequence of quantum confinement effect. Our results and methodology of fabricating nanoscale heterostructures establish the Bi bilayer/Sb heterostructure as a platform of great potential for both ultralow-energy-cost electronics and surface-based spintronics.
A topological insulator is a novel quantum state, characterized by symmetry-protected non-trivial edge/surface states. Our first-principle simulations show the significant effects of the chemical decoration on edge states of topological Bi(111) bilay
The long-sought Majorana fermion is expected to manifest in a topological-superconductor heterostructure as a zero bias conductance peak (ZBCP). As one promising platform for such heterostructures, we investigate the cleaved surface of the topologica
We have measured the differential resistance in a two-dimensional topological insulator (2DTI) in a HgTe quantum well, as a function of the applied dc current. The transport near the charge neutrality point is characterized by a pair of counter propa
Three dimensional topological insulators are bulk insulators with $mathbf{Z}_2$ topological electronic order that gives rise to conducting light-like surface states. These surface electrons are exceptionally resistant to localization by non-magnetic
We present magnetotransport measurements in HgTe quantum well with inverted band structure, which expected to be a two-dimensional topological insulator having the bulk gap with helical gapless states at the edge. The negative magnetoresistance is ob