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Status of the KIMS-NaI experiment

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 نشر من قبل Kyungwon Kim
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Kyungwon Kim

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KIMS-NaI is a direct detection experiment searching for Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMP) via their scattering off of nuclei in a NaI(Tl) crystal. The KIMS-NaI collaboration has carried out tests of six crystals in the Yangyang underground laboratory in order to develope low-background NaI(Tl) crystals. Studies of internal backgrounds crystals have been performed with the goal of reducing backgrounds levels to 1 dru at 2 keV. Pulse shape discrimination (PSD) capabilities were also investigated for distinguishing between WIMP nuclear recoil signals and electron recoil backgrounds. The PSD analysis was applied to underground data with one low background NaI(Tl) detector and the evaluation of WIMP mass limit is ongoing.

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The Korea Invisible Mass Search (KIMS) collaboration has developed low-background NaI(Tl) crystals that are suitable for the direct detection of WIMP dark matter. With experience built on the KIMS-CsI programs, the KIMS-NaI experiment will consist of a 200~kg NaI(Tl) crystal array surrounded by layers of shielding structures and will be operated at the Yangyang underground laboratory. The goal is to provide an unambiguous test of the DAMA/LIBRAs annual modulation signature. Measurements of six prototype crystals show progress in the reduction of internal contaminations of radioisotopes. Based on our understanding of these measurements, we expect to achieve a background level in the final detector configuration that is less than 1~count/day/keV/kg for recoil energies around 2~keV. The annual modulation sensitivity for the KIMS-NaI experiment shows that an unambiguous 7$sigma$ test of the DAMA/LIBRA signature would be possible with a 600~kg$cdot$year exposure with this system.
The PIENU experiment at TRIUMF aims to measure the pion decay branching ratio $R={Gamma}({pi}^+{rightarrow}e^+{ u}_e({gamma}))/{Gamma}({pi}^+{rightarrow}{mu}^+{ u}_{mu}({gamma}))$ with precision $<0.1$% to provide a sensitive test of electron-muon un iversality in weak interactions. The current status of the PIENU experiment is presented.
120 - Carsten Rott 2018
The JSNS$^2$ experiment aims to search for the existence of neutrino oscillations with $Delta {rm m}^2$ near 1 eV$^2$ at the J-PARC Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF). A 3~GeV 1~MW proton beam incident on a mercury target produces an intense neutrino source from muon decay at rest ($mu^{+} rightarrow e^{+} + bar{ u}_{mu} + u_{e}$). The oscillation to be searched for is $bar{ u}_{mu}$ to $bar{ u}_{e}$, detected via the inverse beta decay~(IBD) reaction ($bar{ u}_{e} + p rightarrow e^{+} + n$), which is then distinctively tagged by gammas from neutron capture of Gadolinium. The first of two detectors with 17 tons fiducial volume is currently under construction at a distance of 24 m from the mercury target. JSNS$^2$ is expected to provide the ultimate test of the LSND anomaly by replicating nearly identical conditions. The status of the experiment, which is expected to start taking data in Spring 2019, is discussed and its physics potential reviewed.
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The determination of the neutrino mass hierarchy, whether the $ u _3$ neutrino mass eigenstate is heavier or lighter than the $ u _1$ and $ u _2$ mass eigenstates, is one of the remaining undetermined fundamental aspects of the Standard Model in the lepton sector. Furthermore the mass hierarchy determination will have an impact in the quest of the neutrino nature (Dirac or Majorana mass terms) towards the formulation of a theory of flavour. The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a reactor neutrino experiment under construction at Kaiping, Jiangmen in Southern China composed by a large liquid scintillator detector (sphere of 35.4 m of diameter) surronding by 18000 large PMTs and 25000 small PMTs, a water cherenkov detector and a top tracker detector. The large active mass (20 kton) and the unprecedented energy resolution (3% at 1 MeV) will allow to determine the neutrino mass hierarchy with good sensitivity and to precisely measure the neutrino mixing parameters, $theta _{12}$, $Delta m^2_{21} $, and $Delta m^2_{ee}$ below the 1% level. Moreover, a large liquid scintillator detector will allow to explore physics beyond mass hierarchy determination, in particular on many oyher topics such as in astroparticle physics, like supernova burst and diffuse supernova neutrinos, solar neutrinos, atmospheric neutrinos, geo-neutrinos, nucleon decay, indirect dark matter searches and a number of additional exotic searches. In this work the status and the perspectives of the JUNO experiment will be described, focusing also on the main physics aims and the other possible physics cases.
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The KATRIN experiment, presently under construction in Karlsruhe, Germany, will improve on previous laboratory limits on the neutrino mass by a factor of ten. KATRIN will use a high-activity, gaseous T2 source and a very high-resolution spectrometer to measure the shape of the high-energy tail of the tritium-decay beta spectrum. The shape measurement will also be sensitive to new physics, including sterile neutrinos and Lorentz violation. This report summarizes recent progress in the experiment.
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