We develop the theoretical formalism to calculate second-order correlations in dissipative exciton-polariton system and we propose intensity-intensity correlation experiments to reveal the physics of exciton-light coupling in semiconductor microcavities in the Rabi oscillation regime. We predict a counter intuitive behaviour of the correlator between upper and lower polariton branches: due to the decoherence caused by stochastic exciton-photon
We show theoretically that a lattice of exciton-polaritons can behave as a life-like cellular automaton when simultaneously excited by a continuous wave coherent field and a time-periodic sequence of non-resonant pulses. This provides a mechanism of
realizing a range of highly sought spatiotemporal structures under the same conditions, including: discrete solitons, oscillating solitons, rotating solitons, breathers, soliton trains, guns, and choatic behaviour. These structures can survive in the system indefinitely, despite the presence of dissipation, and allow universal computation.
We present a scheme to obtain anti-chiral edge states in an exciton-polariton honeycomb lattice with strip geometry, where the modes corresponding to both edges propagate in the same direction. Under resonant pumping the effect of a polariton condens
ate with nonzero velocity in one linear polarization is predicted to tilt the dispersion of polaritons in the other, which results in an energy shift between two Dirac cones and the otherwise flat edge states become tilted. Our simulations show that due to the spatial separation from the bulk modes the edge modes are robust against disorder.
We report on time resolved measurements of the first order spatial coherence in an exciton polariton Bose-Einstein condensate. Long range spatial coherence is found to set in right at the onset of stimulated scattering, on a picosecond time scale. Th
e coherence reaches its maximum value after the population and decays slower, staying up to a few hundreds of picoseconds. This behavior can be qualitatively reproduced, using a stochastic classical field model describing interaction between the polariton condensate and the exciton reservoir within a disordered potential.
We propose a novel physical mechanism for creation of long lived macroscopic exciton-photon qubits in semiconductor microcavities with embedded quantum wells in the strong couping regime. We argue that the coherence time of Rabi oscillations can be d
ramatically enhanced due to their stimulated pumping from a permanent thermal reservoir of polaritons. The polariton qubit is a superposition of lower branch (LP) and upper branch (UP) exciton-polariton states. We discuss applications of such qubits for quantum information processing, cloning and storage purposes.
Topological insulators (TIs) are a striking example of materials in which topological invariants are manifested in robustness against perturbations. Their most prominent feature is the emergence of topological edge states with reduced dimension at th
e boundary between areas with distinct topological invariants. The observable physical effect is unidirectional robust transport, unaffected by defects or disorder. TIs were originally observed in the integer quantum Hall effect for fermionic systems of correlated electrons. However, during the past decade the concepts of topological physics have been introduced into numerous fields beyond condensed matter, ranging from microwaves and photonic systems to cold atoms, acoustics and even mechanics. Recently, TIs were proposed in exciton-polariton systems organized as honeycomb lattices, under the influence of a magnetic field. Topological phenomena in polaritons are fundamentally different from all topological effects demonstrated experimentally thus far: exciton-polaritons are part-light part-matter quasiparticles emerging from the strong coupling of quantum well excitons and cavity photons. Here, we demonstrate experimentally the first exciton-polariton TI. This constitutes the first symbiotic light-matter TIs. Our polariton lattice is excited non-resonantly, and the chiral topological polariton edge mode is populated by a polariton condensation mechanism. We image real- and Fourier-space to measure photoluminescence, and demonstrate that the topological edge mode avoids defects, and that the propagation direction of the mode can be reversed by inverting the applied magnetic field. Our exciton-polariton TI paves the way for a variety of new topological phenomena, as they involve light-matter interaction, gain, and perhaps most importantly - exciton-polaritons interact with one another as a nonlinear many-body system.