The Araucaria Project. Precise physical parameters of the eclipsing binary IO Aqr

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Our aim is to precisely measure the physical parameters of the eclipsing binary IO Aqr and derive a distance to this system by applying a surface brightness - colour relation. Our motivation is to combine these parameters with future precise distance determinations from the GAIA space mission to derive precise surface brightness - colour relations for stars. We extensively used photometry from the Super-WASP and ASAS projects and precise radial velocities obtained from HARPS and CORALIE high-resolution spectra. We analysed light curves with the code JKTEBOP and radial velocity curves with the Wilson-Devinney program. We found that IO Aqr is a hierarchical triple system consisting of a double-lined short-period (P=2.37 d) spectroscopic binary and a low-luminosity and low-mass companion star orbiting the binary with a period of ~25000 d (~70 yr) on a very eccentric orbit. We derive high-precision (better than 1%) physical parameters of the inner binary, which is composed of two slightly evolved main-sequence stars (F5 V-IV + F6 V-IV) with masses of M1=1.569+/-0.004 and M2=1.655+/-0.004 M_sun and radii R1=2.19+/-0.02 and R2=2.49+/-0.02 R_sun. The companion is most probably a late K-type dwarf with mass ~0.6 M_sun. The distance to the system resulting from applying a (V-K) surface brightness - colour relation is 255+/-6(stat.)+/-6(sys.) pc, which agrees well with the Hipparcos value of 270+/-73 pc, but is more precise by a factor of eight.

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