The X-ray Lightcurve of the Supermassive star eta Carinae, 1996--2014

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Eta Carinae is the nearest example of a supermassive, superluminous, unstable star. Mass loss from the system is critical in shaping its circumstellar medium and in determining its ultimate fate. Eta Car currently loses mass via a dense, slow stellar wind and possesses one of the largest mass loss rates known. It is prone to episodes of extreme mass ejection via eruptions from some as-yet unspecified cause; the best examples of this are the large-scale eruptions which occurred in 19th century. Eta Car is a colliding wind binary in which strong variations in X-ray emission and in other wavebands are driven by the violent collision of the wind of eta Car-A and the fast, less dense wind of an otherwise hidden companion star. X-ray variations are the simplest diagnostic we have to study the wind-wind collision and allow us to measure the state of the stellar mass loss from both stars. We present the X-ray lightcurve over the last 20 years from ROSAT observations and monitoring with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer and the X-ray Telescope on the Swift satellite. We compare and contrast the behavior of the X-ray emission from the system over that timespan, including surprising variations during the 2014 X-ray minimum.

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