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We analyze the stability of excitonic ground states in the two-band Hubbard model with additional electron-phonon and Hunds rule couplings using a combination of mean-field and variational cluster approaches. We show that both the interband Coulomb interaction and the electron-phonon interaction will cooperatively stabilize a charge density wave (CDW) state which typifies an excitonic CDW if predominantly triggered by the effective interorbital electron-hole attraction or a phononic CDW if mostly caused by the coupling to the lattice degrees of freedom. By contrast, the Hunds rule coupling promotes an excitonic spin density wave. We determine the transition between excitonic charge and spin density waves and comment on a fixation of the phase of the excitonic order parameter that would prevent the formation of a superfluid condensate of excitons. The implications for exciton condensation in several material classes with strongly correlated electrons are discussed.
Excitonic density-wave states realized by the quantum condensation of electron-hole pairs (or excitons) are studied in the two-band Hubbard model with Hunds rule coupling and the pair hopping term. Using the variational cluster approximation, we calc
The Holstein Model (HM) describes the interaction between fermions and a collection of local (dispersionless) phonon modes. In the dilute limit, the phonon degrees of freedom dress the fermions, giving rise to polaron and bipolaron formation. At high
From systematic analysis of the high pulsed magnetic field resistance data of La$_{2-x}$Sr$_x$CuO$_{4}$ thin films, we extract an experimental phase diagram for several doping values ranging from the very underdoped to the very overdoped regimes. Our
Recent studies of pairing and charge order in materials such as FeSe, SrTiO$_3$, and 2H-NbSe$_2$ have suggested that momentum dependence of the electron-phonon coupling plays an important role in their properties. Initial attempts to study Hamiltonia
We investigate the quasiparticle relaxation and low-energy electronic structure in undoped SrFe_2As_2 exhibiting spin-density wave (SDW) ordering using optical pump-probe femtosecond spectroscopy. A remarkable critical slowing down of the quasipartic