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Higher Galois theory

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 نشر من قبل Marc Hoyois
 تاريخ النشر 2015
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We generalize toposic Galois theory to higher topoi. We show that locally constant sheaves in a locally (n-1)-connected n-topos are equivalent to representations of its fundamental pro-n-groupoid, and that the latter can be described in terms of Galois torsors. We also show that finite locally constant sheaves in an arbitrary infinity-topos are equivalent to finite representations of its fundamental pro-infinity-groupoid. Finally, we relate the fundamental pro-infinity-groupoid of 1-topoi to the construction of Artin and Mazur and, in the case of the etale topos of a scheme, to its refinement by Friedlander.

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اقرأ أيضاً

124 - John D. Berman 2019
We survey Lawvere theories at the level of infinity categories, as an alternative framework for higher algebra (rather than infinity operads). From a pedagogical perspective, they make many key definitions and constructions less technical. They are a lso better-suited than operads for equivariant homotopy theory and its relatives. Our main result establishes a universal property for the infinity category of Lawvere theories, which completely characterizes the relationship between a Lawvere theory and its infinity category of models. Many familiar properties of Lawvere theories follow directly. As a consequence, we prove that the Burnside category is a classifying object for additive categories, as promised in an earlier paper, and as part of a more general correspondence between enriched Lawvere theories and module Lawvere theories.
We prove general adjoint functor theorems for weakly (co)complete $n$-categories. This class of $n$-categories includes the homotopy $n$-categories of (co)complete $infty$-categories -- in particular, these $n$-categories do not admit all small (co)l imits in general. We also introduce Brown representability for (homotopy) $n$-categories and prove a Brown representability theorem for localizations of compactly generated $n$-categories. This class of $n$-categories includes the homotopy $n$-categories of presentable $infty$-categories if $n geq 2$ and the homotopy $n$-categories of stable presentable $infty$-categories for any $n geq 1$.
We introduce acyclic polygraphs, a notion of complete categorical cellular model for (small) categories, containing generators, relations and higher-dimensional globular syzygies. We give a rewriting method to construct explicit acyclic polygraphs fr om convergent presentations. For that, we introduce higher-dimensional normalisation strategies, defined as homotopically coherent ways to relate each cell of a polygraph to its normal form, then we prove that acyclicity is equivalent to the existence of a normalisation strategy. Using acyclic polygraphs, we define a higher-dimensional homotopical finiteness condition for higher categories which extends Squiers finite derivation type for monoids. We relate this homotopical property to a new homological finiteness condition that we introduce here.
143 - Louis Martini 2021
We develop some basic concepts in the theory of higher categories internal to an arbitrary $infty$-topos. We define internal left and right fibrations and prove a version of the Grothendieck construction and of Yonedas lemma for internal categories.
We study convergent (terminating and confluent) presentations of n-categories. Using the notion of polygraph (or computad), we introduce the homotopical property of finite derivation type for n-categories, generalizing the one introduced by Squier fo r word rewriting systems. We characterize this property by using the notion of critical branching. In particular, we define sufficient conditions for an n-category to have finite derivation type. Through examples, we present several techniques based on derivations of 2-categories to study convergent presentations by 3-polygraphs.
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