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Result of the search for neutrinoless double-$beta$ decay in $^{100}$Mo with the NEMO-3 experiment

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 نشر من قبل Laurent Simard
 تاريخ النشر 2015
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The NEMO-3 detector, which had been operating in the Modane Underground Laboratory from 2003 to 2010, was designed to search for neutrinoless double $beta$ ($0 ubetabeta$) decay. We report final results of a search for $0 ubetabeta$ decays with $6.914$ kg of $^{100}$Mo using the entire NEMO-3 data set with a detector live time of $4.96$ yr, which corresponds to an exposure of 34.3 kg$cdot$yr. We perform a detailed study of the expected background in the $0 ubetabeta$ signal region and find no evidence of $0 ubetabeta$ decays in the data. The level of observed background in the $0 ubetabeta$ signal region $[2.8-3.2]$ MeV is $0.44 pm 0.13$ counts/yr/kg, and no events are observed in the interval $[3.2-10]$ MeV. We therefore derive a lower limit on the half-life of $0 ubetabeta$ decays in $^{100}$Mo of $T_{1/2}(0 ubetabeta)> 1.1 times 10^{24}$ yr at the $90%$ Confidence Level, under the hypothesis of light Majorana neutrino exchange. Depending on the model used for calculating nuclear matrix elements, the limit for the effective Majorana neutrino mass lies in the range $langle m_{ u} rangle < 0.33$--$0.62$ eV. We also report constraints on other lepton-number violating mechanisms for $0 ubetabeta$ decays.

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We report the results of a search for the neutrinoless double-$beta$ decay (0$ ubetabeta$) of $^{100}$Mo, using the NEMO-3 detector to reconstruct the full topology of the final state events. With an exposure of 34.7 kg.y, no evidence for the 0$ ubet abeta$ signal has been found, yielding a limit for the light Majorana neutrino mass mechanism of $T_{1/2}(0 ubetabeta)>1.1 times 10^{24}$ years (90% C.L.) once both statistical and systematic uncertainties are taken into account. Depending on the Nuclear Matrix Elements this corresponds to an upper limit on the Majorana effective neutrino mass of $< m_{ u} > < 0.3-0.9$ eV (90% C.L.). Constraints on other lepton number violating mechanisms of 0$ ubetabeta$ decays are also given. Searching for high-energy double electron events in all suitable sources of the detector, no event in the energy region [3.2-10] MeV is observed for an exposure of 47 kg.y.
The NEMO-3 experiment at the Modane Underground Laboratory has investigated the double-$beta$ decay of $^{48}{rm Ca}$. Using $5.25$ yr of data recorded with a $6.99,{rm g}$ sample of $^{48}{rm Ca}$, approximately $150$ double-$beta$ decay candidate e vents have been selected with a signal-to-background ratio greater than $3$. The half-life for the two-neutrino double-$beta$ decay of $^{48}{rm Ca}$ has been measured to be $T^{2 u}_{1/2},=,[6.4, ^{+0.7}_{-0.6}{rm (stat.)} , ^{+1.2}_{-0.9}{rm (syst.)}] times 10^{19},{rm yr}$. A search for neutrinoless double-$beta$ decay of $^{48}{rm Ca}$ yields a null result and a corresponding lower limit on the half-life is found to be $T^{0 u}_{1/2} > 2.0 times 10^{22},{rm yr}$ at $90%$ confidence level, translating into an upper limit on the effective Majorana neutrino mass of $< m_{betabeta} > < 6.0 - 26$ ${rm eV}$, with the range reflecting different nuclear matrix element calculations. Limits are also set on models involving Majoron emission and right-handed currents.
The CUPID-Mo experiment is searching for neutrinoless double beta decay in $^{100}$Mo, evaluating the technology of cryogenic scintillating Li$_{2}^{100}$MoO$_4$ detectors for CUPID (CUORE Upgrade with Particle ID). CUPID-Mo detectors feature backgro und suppression using a dual-readout scheme with Li$_{2}$MoO$_4$ crystals complemented by Ge bolometers for light detection. The detection of both heat and scintillation light signals allows the efficient discrimination of $alpha$ from $gamma$&$beta$ events. In this proceedings, we discuss results from the first 2 months of data taking in spring 2019. In addition to an excellent bolometric performance of 6.7$,$keV (FWHM) at 2615$,$keV and an $alpha$ separation of better than 99.9% for all detectors, we report on bulk radiopurity for Th and U. Finally, we interpret the accumulated physics data in terms of a limit of $T_{1/2}^{0 u},> 3times10^{23},$yr for $^{100}$Mo and discuss the sensitivity of CUPID-Mo until the expected end of physics data taking in early 2020.
107 - Li Wang , Qian Yue , KeJun Kang 2017
We report the first result on Ge-76 neutrinoless double beta decay from CDEX-1 experiment at China Jinping Underground Laboratory. A mass of 994 g p-type point-contact high purity germanium detector has been installed to search the neutrinoless doubl e beta decay events, as well as to directly detect dark matter particles. An exposure of 304 kg*day has been analyzed. The wideband spectrum from 500 keV to 3 MeV was obtained and the average event rate at the 2.039 MeV energy range is about 0.012 count per keV per kg per day. The half-life of Ge-76 neutrinoless double beta decay has been derived based on this result as: T 1/2 > 6.4*10^22 yr (90% C.L.). An upper limit on the effective Majorana-neutrino mass of 5.0 eV has been achieved. The possible methods to further decrease the background level have been discussed and will be pursued in the next stage of CDEX experiment.
We report the results of a first experimental search for lepton number violation by four units in the neutrinoless quadruple-$beta$ decay of $^{150}$Nd using a total exposure of $0.19$ kg$cdot$y recorded with the NEMO-3 detector at the Modane Undergr ound Laboratory (LSM). We find no evidence of this decay and set lower limits on the half-life in the range $T_{1/2}>(1.1-3.2)times10^{21}$ y at the $90%$ CL, depending on the model used for the kinematic distributions of the emitted electrons.
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