Searching for Classical Be Stars from the LAMOST DR1

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We report on searching for Classical B-type emission-line (CBe) stars from the first data release (DR1) of the Large Sky Area Multi-Object fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST; also named the Guoshoujing Telescope). A total of 192 (12 known CBes) objects were identified as CBe candidates with prominent He~I~$lambda4387$, He~I~$lambda4471$, and Mg~II~$lambda4481$ absorption lines, as well as H$beta$~$lambda4861$ and H$alpha$~$lambda6563$ emission lines. These candidates significantly increases current CBe sample of about 8%. Most of the CBe candidates are distributed at the Galactic Anti-Center due to the LAMOST observing strategy. Only two of CBes are in the star clusters with ages of 15.8 and 398~Myr, respectively.

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