The propagation of a continuous wave in the average anomalous dispersion region of a dispersion oscillating fiber is investigated numerically and experimentally. We demonstrate that the train of solitons arising from modulation instability is strongly affected by the periodic variations of the fiber dispersion. This leads to the emission of multiple resonant radiations located on both sides of the spectrum. Numerical simulations confirm the experimental results and the position of the resonant radiations is well predicted by means of perturbation theory.
A simple analytical model is developed to analyze and explain the complex dynamics of the multi-peak modulation instability spectrum observed in dispersion oscillating optical fibers [M. Droques et al., 37, 4832-4834 Opt. Lett., (2012)]. We provide a
simple expression for the local parametric gain which shows that each of the multiple spectral components grows thanks to a quasi-phase-matching mechanism due to the periodicity of the waveguide parameters, in good agreement with numerical simulations and experiments. This simplified model is also successfully used to tailor the multi-peak modulation instability spectrum shape. These theoretical predictions are confirmed by experiments.
We study, both theoretically and experimentally, modulational instability in optical fibers that have a longitudinal evolution of their dispersion in the form of a Dirac delta comb. By means of Floquet theory, we obtain an exact expression for the po
sition of the gain bands, and we provide simple analytical estimates of the gain and of the bandwidths of those sidebands. An experimental validation of those results has been realized in several microstructured fibers specifically manufactured for that purpose. The dispersion landscape of those fibers is a comb of Gaussian pulses having widths much shorter than the period, which therefore approximate the ideal Dirac comb. Experimental spontaneous MI spectra recorded under quasi continuous wave excitation are in good agreement with the theory and with numerical simulations based on the generalized nonlinear Schrodinger equation.
We study modulational instability (MI) in optical fibers with random group velocity dispersion (GVD) generated by sharply localized perturbations of a normal GVD fiber that are either randomly or periodically placed along the fiber and that have rand
om strength. This perturbation leads to the appearance of low frequency MI side lobes that grow with the strength of the perturbations, whereas they are faded by randomness in their position. If the random perturbations exhibit a finite average value, they can be compared with periodically perturbed fibers, where Arnold tongues appear. In that case, increased randomness in the strengths of the variations tends to affect the Arnold tongues less than increased randomness in their positions.
A phenomenological model for spectral broadening of incoherent light in silica fibers via self-phase modulation and dispersion is presented, aiming at providing a qualitative and readily accessible description of incoherent light spectral broadening.
In this model, the incoherent light is approximated by a cosine power-modulated light with modulation parameters depending on the coherent time and the dispersion in fibers. A simple and practical method for spectral broadening predictions is given and demonstrated by both the straightforward NLSE-based numerical modeling and series of experiments including narrowband and broadband incoherent light in passive fibers and fiber amplifiers.
In optical second harmonic generation with normal dispersion, the virtually infinite bandwidth of the unbounded, hyperbolic, modulational instability leads to quenching of spatial multi-soliton formation and to the occurrence of a catastrophic spatio
-temporal break-up when an extended beam is let to interact with an extremely weak external noise with coherence time much shorter than that of the pump.