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New copulas based on general partitions-of-unity and their applications to risk management

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 نشر من قبل Dietmar Pfeifer Prof. Dr.
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث مالية
والبحث باللغة English

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We construct new multivariate copulas on the basis of a generalized infinite partition-of-unity approach. This approach allows - in contrast to finite partition-of-unity copulas - for tail-dependence as well as for asymmetry. A possibility of fitting such copulas to real data from quantitative risk management is also pointed out.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We present a constructive and self-contained approach to data driven infinite partition-of-unity copulas that were recently introduced in the literature. In particular, we consider negative binomial and Poisson copulas and present a solution to the p roblem of fitting such copulas to highly asymmetric data in arbitrary dimensions.
We present a constructive and self-contained approach to data driven general partition-of-unity copulas that were recently introduced in the literature. In particular, we consider Bernstein-, negative binomial and Poisson copulas and present a soluti on to the problem of fitting such copulas to highly asymmetric data.
In this paper we discuss a natural extension of infinite discrete partition-of-unity copulas which were recently introduced in the literature to continuous partition of copulas with possible applications in risk management and other fields. We presen t a general simple algorithm to generate such copulas on the basis of the empirical copula from high-dimensional data sets. In particular, our constructions also allow for an implementation of positive tail dependence which sometimes is a desirable property of copula modelling, in particular for internal models under Solvency II.
We present a constructive approach to Bernstein copulas with an admissible discrete skeleton in arbitrary dimensions when the underlying marginal grid sizes are smaller than the number of observations. This prevents an overfitting of the estimated de pendence model and reduces the simulation effort for Bernstein copulas a lot. In a case study, we compare different approaches of Bernstein and Gaussian copulas w.r.t. the estimation of risk measures in risk management.
We propose some machine-learning-based algorithms to solve hedging problems in incomplete markets. Sources of incompleteness cover illiquidity, untradable risk factors, discrete hedging dates and transaction costs. The proposed algorithms resulting s trategies are compared to classical stochastic control techniques on several payoffs using a variance criterion. One of the proposed algorithm is flexible enough to be used with several existing risk criteria. We furthermore propose a new moment-based risk criteria.
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