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Magnetic excitations and phonons simultaneously studied by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering in optimally doped Bi$_{1.5}$Pb$_{0.55}$Sr$_{1.6}$La$_{0.4}$CuO$_{6+delta}$

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 نشر من قبل Yingying Peng
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Magnetic excitations in the optimally doped high-$T_mathrm{c}$ superconductor Bi$_{1.5}$Pb$_{0.55}$Sr$_{1.6}$La$_{0.4}$CuO$_{6+delta}$ (OP-Bi2201, $T_mathrm{c}simeq 34$ K) are investigated by Cu $L_3$ edge resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS), below and above the pseudogap opening temperature. At both temperatures the broad spectral distribution disperses along the (1,0) direction up to $sim$350~meV at zone boundary, similarly to other hole-doped cuprates. However, above $sim$0.22 reciprocal lattice units, we observe a concurrent intensity decrease for magnetic excitations and quasi-elastic signals with weak temperature dependence. This anomaly seems to indicate a coupling between magnetic, lattice and charge modes in this compound. We also compare the magnetic excitation spectra near the anti-nodal zone boundary in the single layer OP-Bi2201 and in the bi-layer optimally doped Bi$_{1.5}$Pb$_{0.6}$Sr$_{1.54}$CaCu$_2$O$_{8+delta}$ (OP-Bi2212, $T_mathrm{c}simeq96$ K). The strong similarities in the paramagnon dispersion and in their energy at zone boundary indicate that the strength of the super-exchange interaction and the short-range magnetic correlation cannot be directly related to $T_mathrm{c}$, not even within the same family of cuprates.

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80 - Y. Y. Peng , M. Salluzzo , X. Sun 2016
Charge order in underdoped and optimally doped high-$T_mathrm{c}$ superconductors Bi$_{2}$Sr$_{2-x}$La$_x$CuO$_{6+delta}$ (Bi2201) is investigated by Cu $L_3$ edge resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS). We have directly observed charge density m odulation in the optimally doped Bi2201 at momentum transfer $Q_{|} simeq 0.23$ rlu, with smaller intensity and correlation length with respect to the underdoped sample. This demonstrates that short-range charge order in Bi2201 persists up to optimal doping, as in other hole-doped cuprates. We explored the nodal (diagonal) direction and found no charge order peak, confirming that charge order modulates only along the Cu-O bond directions. We measured the out-of-plane dependence of charge order, finding a flat response and no maxima at half integer emph{L} values. This suggests there is no out-of-plane phase correlation in single layer Bi2201, at variance from YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{6+x}$ and La$_{2-x}$(Ba,Sr)$_x$CuO$_4$. Combining our results with data from the literature we assess that charge order in Bi2201 exists in a large doping range across the phase diagram, i.e. $0.07 lesssim p lesssim 0.16$, demonstrating thereby that it is intimately entangled with the antiferromagnetic background, the pseudogap and superconductivity.
431 - S. Wakimoto , K. Ishii , H. Kimura 2015
We have performed neutron inelastic scattering and resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) at the Cu-$L_3$ edge to study high-energy magnetic excitations at energy transfers of more than 100 meV for overdoped La$_{2-x}$Sr$_{x}$CuO$_{4}$ with $x=0. 25$ ($T_c=15$ K) and $x=0.30$ (non-superconducting) using identical single crystal samples for the two techniques. From constant-energy slices of neutron scattering cross-sections, we have identified magnetic excitations up to ~250 meV for $x=0.25$. Although the width in the momentum direction is large, the peak positions along the (pi, pi) direction agree with the dispersion relation of the spin-wave in the non-doped La$_{2}$CuO$_{4}$ (LCO), which is consistent with the previous RIXS results of cuprate superconductors. Using RIXS at the Cu-$L_3$ edge, we have measured the dispersion relations of the so-called paramagnon mode along both (pi, pi) and (pi, 0) directions. Although in both directions the neutron and RIXS data connect with each other and the paramagnon along (pi, 0) agrees well with the LCO spin-wave dispersion, the paramagnon in the (pi, pi) direction probed by RIXS appears to be less dispersive and the excitation energy is lower than the spin-wave of LCO near (pi/2, pi/2). Thus, our results indicate consistency between neutron inelastic scattering and RIXS, and elucidate the entire magnetic excitation in the (pi, pi) direction by the complementary use of two probes. The polarization dependence of the RIXS profiles indicates that appreciable charge excitations exist in the same energy range of magnetic excitations, reflecting the itinerant character of the overdoped sample. A possible anisotropy in the charge excitation intensity might explain the apparent differences in the paramagnon dispersion in the (pi, pi) direction as detected by the X-ray scattering.
The interplay between superconductivity and the pseudogap is an important aspect of cuprate physics. However, the nature of the pseudogap remains controversial, in part because different experiments have suggested different gap functions. Here we pre sent a photon-energy-dependence angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) study on Bi$_{1.5}$Pb$_{0.55}$Sr$_{1.6}$La$_{0.4}$CuO$_{6+delta}$. We find that antinodal ARPES spectra at low photon energies are dominated by background signals which can lead to a misevaluation of the spectral gap size. Once background is properly accounted for, independent of photon energy, the antinodal spectra robustly show two coexisting features at different energies dominantly attributed to the pseudogap and superconductivity, as well as an overall spectral gap which deviates from a simple d-wave form. These results support the idea that the spectral gap is distorted due to the competition between the pseudogap and superconductivity.
We study the dynamics of multi-junction switching (MJS): several intrinsic Josephson junctions (IJJs) in an array switch to the finite voltage state simultaneously. The number of multi-switching junctions ($N$) was successfully tuned by changing the load resistance serially connected to an Bi$_2$Sr$_{1.6}$La$_{0.4}$CuO$_{6+delta}$ IJJ array. The independence of the escape rates of $N$ in the macroscopic quantum tunneling regime indicates that MJS is a $successive$ switching process rather than a $collective$ process. The origin of MJS is explained by the gradient of a load curve and the relative magnitudes of the switching currents of quasiparticle branches in the current-voltage plane.
The charge and spin correlations in La$_{1.875}$Ba$_{0.125}$CuO$_4$ (LBCO 1/8) are studied using Cu $L_3$ edge resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS). The static charge order (CO) is observed at a wavevector of $(0.24,0)$ and its charge nature co nfirmed by measuring the dependence of this peak on the incident x-ray polarization. The paramagnon excitation in LBCO 1/8 is then measured as it disperses through the CO wavevector. Within the experimental uncertainty no changes are observed in the paramagnon due to the static CO, and the paramagnon seems to be similar to that measured in other cuprates, which have no static CO. Given that the stripe correlation modulates both the charge and spin degrees of freedom, it is likely that subtle changes do occur in the paramagnon due to CO. Consequently, we propose that future RIXS measurements, realized with higher energy resolution and sensitivity, should be performed to test for these effects.
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