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Detecting temperature fluctuations at equilibrium

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 نشر من قبل Purushottam Dixit
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Gibbs and Boltzmann definitions of temperature agree only in the macroscopic limit. The ambiguity in identifying the equilibrium temperature of a finite sized `small system exchanging energy with a bath is usually understood as a limitation of conventional statistical mechanics. We interpret this ambiguity as resulting from a stochastically fluctuating temperature coupled with the phase space variables giving rise to a broad temperature distribution. With this ansatz, we develop the equilibrium statistics and dynamics of small systems. Numerical evidence using an analytically tractable model shows that the effects of temperature fluctuations can be detected in equilibrium and dynamical properties of the phase space of the small system. Our theory generalizes statistical mechanics to small systems relevant to biophysics and nanotechnology.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

Biochemical reactions are fundamentally noisy at a molecular scale. This limits the precision of reaction networks, but also allows fluctuation measurements which may reveal the structure and dynamics of the underlying biochemical network. Here, we s tudy non-equilibrium reaction cycles, such as the mechanochemical cycle of molecular motors, the phosphorylation cycle of circadian clock proteins, or the transition state cycle of enzymes. Fluctuations in such cycles may be measured using either of two classical definitions of the randomness parameter, which we show to be equivalent in general microscopically reversible cycles. We define a stochastic period for reversible cycles and present analytical solutions for its moments. Furthermore, we associate the two forms of the randomness parameter with the thermodynamic uncertainty relation, which sets limits on the timing precision of the cycle in terms of thermodynamic quantities. Our results should prove useful also for the study of temporal fluctuations in more general networks.
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It has experimentally been found by Lampo et al. [Biophys. J. 112, 532 (2017)] that, for two different types of cell, the distribution of the diffusivities of RNA-protein particles over cytoplasm obeys an exponential law. Then, an interesting issue h as been pointed out: this exponential distribution is the maximal entropy distribution. Here, time evolution of entropy associated with local fluctuations of the diffusivity is studied. The entropy rate under the diffusing diffusivity equation, which admits the exponential fluctuation as its stationary solution, is shown to be positive. The present result is expected to be useful for studying the dynamics of diffusivity fluctuations. Furthermore, the distribution of time being required for characteristic displacement of the RNA-protein particle is found to decay as a power law. A comment is also made on a formal analogy with the thermodynamic relation concerning temperature.
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We show how frequency fluctuations of a vibrational mode can be separated from other sources of phase noise. The method is based on the analysis of the time dependence of the complex amplitude of forced vibrations. The moments of the complex amplitud e sensitively depend on the frequency noise statistics and its power spectrum. The analysis applies to classical and to quantum vibrations.
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