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Local existence in retarded time under a weak decay on complete null cones

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 نشر من قبل Junbin Li
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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In the previous paper cite{L-Z}, for a characteristic problem with not necessarily small initial data given on a complete null cone decaying like that in the work cite{Ch-K} of the stability of Minkowski spacetime by Christodoulou and Klainerman, we proved the local existence in retarded time, which means the solution to the vacuum Einstein equations exists in a uniform future neighborhood, while the global existence in retarded time is the weak cosmic censorship conjecture. In this paper, we prove that the local existence in retarded time still holds when the data is assumed to decay slower, like that in Bieris work cite{Bie} on the extension to the stability of Minkowski spacetime. Such decay guarantees the existence of the limit of the Hawking mass on the initial null cone, when approaching to infinity, in an optimal way.

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اقرأ أيضاً

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121 - Chuxiao Liu , Xiao Zhang 2021
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89 - Junbin Li , Jue Liu 2017
In this paper, we initiate the study of the instability of naked singularities without symmetries. In a series of papers, Christodoulou proved that naked singularities are not stable in the context of the spherically symmetric Einstein equations coup led with a massless scalar field. We study in this paper the next simplest case: a characteristic initial value problem of this coupled system with the initial data given on two intersecting null cones, the incoming one of which is assumed to be spherically symmetric and singular at its vertex, and the outgoing one of which has no symmetries. It is shown that, arbitrarily fixing the initial scalar field, the set of the initial conformal metrics on the outgoing null cone such that the maximal future development does not have any sequences of closed trapped surfaces approaching the singularity, is of first category in the whole space in which the shear tensors are continuous. Such a set can then be viewed as exceptional, although the exceptionality is weaker than the at least $1$ co-dimensionality in spherical symmetry. Almost equivalently, it is also proved that, arbitrarily fixing an incoming null cone $underline{C}_varepsilon$ to the future of the initial incoming null cone, the set of the initial conformal metrics such that the maximal future development has at least one closed trapped surface before $underline{C}_varepsilon$, contains an open and dense subset of the whole space. Since the initial scalar field can be chosen such that the singularity is naked if the initial shear is set to be zero, we may say that the spherical naked singularities of a self-gravitating scalar field are not stable under gravitational perturbations. This in particular gives new families of non-spherically symmetric gravitational perturbations different from the original spherically symmetric scalar perturbations given by Christodoulou.
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