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Tracing the Conversion of Gas into Stars in Young Massive Cluster Progenitors

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 نشر من قبل Daniel Walker
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Whilst young massive clusters (YMCs; $M$ $gtrsim$ 10$^{4}$ M$_{odot}$, age $lesssim$ 100 Myr) have been identified in significant numbers, their progenitor gas clouds have eluded detection. Recently, four extreme molecular clouds residing within 200 pc of the Galactic centre have been identified as having the properties thought necessary to form YMCs. Here we utilise far-IR continuum data from the Herschel Infrared Galactic Plane Survey (HiGAL) and millimetre spectral line data from the Millimetre Astronomy Legacy Team 90 GHz Survey (MALT90) to determine their global physical and kinematic structure. We derive their masses, dust temperatures and radii and use virial analysis to conclude that they are all likely gravitationally bound -- confirming that they are likely YMC progenitors. We then compare the density profiles of these clouds to those of the gas and stellar components of the Sagittarius B2 Main and North proto-clusters and the stellar distribution of the Arches YMC. We find that even in these clouds -- the most massive and dense quiescent clouds in the Galaxy -- the gas is not compact enough to form an Arches-like ($M$ = 2x10$^{4}$ M$_{odot}$, R$_{eff}$ = 0.4 pc) stellar distribution. Further dynamical processes would be required to condense the resultant population, indicating that the mass becomes more centrally concentrated as the (proto)-cluster evolves. These results suggest that YMC formation may proceed hierarchically rather than through monolithic collapse.

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اقرأ أيضاً

The progenitors of high-mass stars and clusters are still challenging to recognise. Only unbiased surveys, sensitive to compact regions of high dust column density, can unambiguously reveal such a small population of particularly massive and cold clu mps. Here we study a flux limited sample of compact sources from the ATLASGAL survey to identify a sample of candidate progenitors of massive clusters in the inner Galaxy. Sensitive mid-infrared data at 21-24 $mu$m from the WISE and MIPSGAL surveys were explored to search for embedded objects, and complementary spectroscopic data were used to investigate their stability and star formation activity. Based on such ancillary data we identify an unbiased sample of infrared-quiet massive clumps in the Galaxy that potentially represent the earliest stages of massive cluster formation. An important fraction of this sample consists of sources that have not been studied in detail before. Comparing their properties to clumps hosting more evolved embedded objects, we find that they exhibit similar physical properties in terms of mass and size, suggesting that infrared-quiet massive clumps are not only capable of forming high-mass stars, but likely also follow a single evolutionary track leading to the formation of massive clusters. The majority of the sources are not in virial-equilibrium, suggesting collapse on the clump scale. This is in line with the low number of infrared-quiet massive clumps and earlier findings that star formation, in particular for high-mass objects is a fast, dynamic process. We propose a scenario in which massive clumps start to fragment and collapse before their final mass is accumulated indicating that strong self-gravity and global collapse is needed to build up rich clusters and the most massive stars.
71 - F. Martins 2019
We obtained K-band spectroscopy of the brightest members of the cluster VVV CL074 in order to identify the massive star population. We also determined the stellar properties of the clusters massive stars to better quantify the evolutionary sequences linking different types of massive stars. We collected integral field spectroscopy of selected fields in the cluster VVV CL074 with SINFONI on the ESO/VLT. We performed a spectral classification based on the K-band spectra and comparison to infrared spectral atlases. We determined the stellar parameters of the massive stars from analysis with atmosphere models computed with the code CMFGEN. We uncover a population of 25 early-type (OB and Wolf-Rayet) stars, 19 being newly discovered by our observations out of which 15 are likely cluster members. The clusters spectrophotometric distance is 10.2+/-1.6 kpc, placing it close to the intersection of the galactic bar and the Norma arm, beyond the galactic center. This makes VVV CL074 one the farthest young massive clusters identified so far. Among the massive stars population, three objects are Wolf-Rayet stars, the remaining are O and B stars. From the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram we find that most stars have an age between 3 and 6 Myr according to the Geneva evolutionary tracks. WN8 and WC8-9 stars are the descendants of stars with initial masses between 40 and 60 Msun. The massive star population of VVV CL074 is very similar to that of the cluster DBS2003-179 and to a lesser extent to that of the Quintuplet cluster, indicating the same age. The central cluster of the Galaxy is ~3 Myr older. From the comparison of the massive stars populations in these four clusters, one concludes that galactic stars with an initial mass in the range 40 to 60 Msun likely go through a WN8-9 phase.
We present preliminary results of the first near-infrared variability study of the Arches cluster, using adaptive optics data from NIRI/Gemini and NACO/VLT. The goal is to discover eclipsing binaries in this young (2.5 +- 0.5 Myr), dense, massive clu ster for which we will determine accurate fundamental parameters with subsequent spectroscopy. Given that the Arches cluster contains more than 200 Wolf-Rayet and O-type stars, it provides a rare opportunity to determine parameters for some of the most massive stars in the Galaxy.
77 - Davide Fiacconi 2016
We present results from the Ponos simulation suite on the early evolution of a massive, $M_{rm vir}(z=0)=1.2times 10^{13}$ M$_{odot}$ galaxy. At $zgtrsim6$, before feedback from a central supermassive black hole becomes dominant, the main galaxy has a stellar mass $sim 2times 10^{9}$ M$_{odot}$ and a star formation rate $sim 20$ M$_{odot}$ yr$^{-1}$. The galaxy sits near the expected main sequence of star-forming galaxies at those redshifts, and resembles moderately star-forming systems observed at $z>5$. The high specific star formation rate results in vigorous heating and stirring of the gas by supernovae feedback, and the galaxy develops a thick and turbulent disc, with gas velocity dispersion $sim 40$ km s$^{-1}$, rotation to dispersion ratio $sim 2$, and with a significant amount of gas at $sim 10^5$ K. The Toomre parameter always exceeds the critical value for gravito-turbulence, $Qsim 1.5-2$, mainly due to the contribution of warm/hot gas inside the disc. Without feedback, a nearly gravito-turbulent regime establishes with similar gas velocity dispersion and lower $Q$. We propose that the hot and turbulent disc regime seen in our simulations, unlike the cold and turbulent gravito-turbulent regime of massive clumpy disc galaxies at $zsim 1-2$, is a fundamental characterisation of main sequence galaxies at $zgtrsim 6$, as they can sustain star formation rates comparable to those of low-mass starbursts at $z=0$. This results in no sustained coherent gas inflows through the disc, and in fluctuating and anisotropic mass transport, possibly postponing the assembly of the bulge and causing the initial feeding of the central black hole to be highly intermittent.
An unsettled question concerning the formation and distribution of massive stars is whether they must be born in massive clusters and, if found in less dense environments, whether they must have migrated there. With the advent of wide-area digital ph otometric surveys, it is now possible to identify massive stars away from prominent Galactic clusters without bias. In this study we consider 40 candidate OB stars found in the field around the young massive cluster, Westerlund 2, by Mohr-Smith et al (2017): these are located inside a box of 1.5x1.5 square degrees and are selected on the basis of their extinctions and K magnitudes. We present VLT/X-shooter spectra of two of the hottest O stars, respectively 11 and 22 arcmin from the centre of Westerlund 2. They are confirmed as O4V stars, with stellar masses likely to be in excess of 40 Msun. Their radial velocities relative to the non-binary reference object, MSP 182, in Westerlund 2 are -29.4 +/- 1.7 and -14.4 +/- 2.2 km/s, respectively. Using Gaia DR2 proper motions we find that between 8 and 11 early O/WR stars in the studied region (including the two VLT targets, plus WR 20c and WR 20aa) could have been ejected from Westerlund 2 in the last one million years. This represents an efficiency of massive-star ejection of up to 25%. On sky, the positions of these stars and their proper motions show a near N--S alignment. We discuss the possibility that these results are a consequence of prior sub-cluster merging combining with dynamical ejection.
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