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CSI 2264: Characterizing Young Stars in NGC 2264 with Short-Duration, Periodic Flux Dips in their Light Curves

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 نشر من قبل Ann Marie Cody
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We identify nine young stellar objects (YSOs) in the NGC 2264 star-forming region with optical {em CoRoT} light curves exhibiting short-duration, shallow, periodic flux dips. All of these stars have infrared (IR) excesses that are consistent with their having inner disk walls near the Keplerian co-rotation radius. The repeating photometric dips have FWHM generally less than one day, depths almost always less than 15%, and periods (3<P<11 days) consistent with dust near the Keplerian co-rotation period. The flux dips vary considerably in their depth from epoch to epoch, but usually persist for several weeks and, in two cases, were present in data collected on successive years. For several of these stars, we also measure the photospheric rotation period and find that the rotation and dip periods are the same, as predicted by standard disk-locking models. We attribute these flux dips to clumps of material in or near the inner disk wall, passing through our line of sight to the stellar photosphere. In some cases, these dips are also present in simultaneous {em Spitzer} IRAC light curves at 3.6 and 4.5 microns. We characterize the properties of these dips, and compare the stars with light curves exhibiting this behavior to other classes of YSO in NGC 2264. A number of physical mechanisms could locally increase the dust scale height near the inner disk wall, and we discuss several of those mechanisms; the most plausible mechanisms are either a disk warp due to interaction with the stellar magnetic field or dust entrained in funnel-flow accretion columns arising near the inner disk wall.

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We provide CoRoT and Spitzer light curves, as well as broad-band multi-wavelength photometry and high resolution, multi- and single-epoch spectroscopy for 17 classical T Tauris in NGC 2264 whose CoRoT light curves (LCs) exemplify the stochastic LC cl ass as defined in Cody et al. (2014). The most probable physical mechanism to explain the optical variability in this LC class is time-dependent mass accretion onto the stellar photosphere, producing transient hot spots. As evidence in favor of this hypothesis, multi-epoch high resolution spectra for a subset of these stars shows that their veiling levels also vary in time and that this veiling variability is consistent in both amplitude and timescale with the optical LC morphology. Furthermore, the veiling variability is well-correlated with the strength of the HeI 6678A emission line, a feature predicted by models to arise in accretion shocks on or near the stellar photosphere. Stars with accretion burst LC morphology (Stauffer et al. 2014) are also attributed to variable mass accretion. Both the stochastic and accretion burst LCs can be explained by a simple model of randomly occurring flux bursts, with the stochastic LC class having a higher frequency of lower amplitude events. Based on their UV excesses, veiling, and mean Ha equivalent widths, members of the stochastic LC class have only moderate time-averaged mass accretion rates. The most common feature of their Ha profiles is for them to exhibit blue-shifted absorption features, most likely originating in a disk wind. The lack of periodic signatures in the LCs suggests that little of the variability is due to long-lived hot spots rotating into or out of our line of sight; instead, the primary driver of the observed photometric variability is likely to be instabilities in the inner disk that lead to variable mass accretion.
Based on more than four weeks of continuous high cadence photometric monitoring of several hundred members of the young cluster NGC 2264 with two space telescopes, NASAs Spitzer and the CNES CoRoT (Convection, Rotation, and planetary Transits), we pr ovide high quality, multi-wavelength light curves for young stellar objects (YSOs) whose optical variability is dominated by short duration flux bursts, which we infer are due to enhanced mass accretion rates. These light curves show many brief -- several hour to one day -- brightenings at optical and near-infrared (IR) wavelengths with amplitudes generally in the range 5-50% of the quiescent value. Typically, a dozen or more of these bursts occur in a thirty day period. We demonstrate that stars exhibiting this type of variability have large ultraviolet (UV) excesses and dominate the portion of the u-g vs. g-r color-color diagram with the largest UV excesses. These stars also have large Halpha equivalent widths, and either centrally peaked, lumpy Halpha emission profiles or profiles with blue-shifted absorption dips associated with disk or stellar winds. Light curves of this type have been predicted for stars whose accretion is dominated by Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities at the boundary between their magnetosphere and inner circumstellar disk, or where magneto-rotational instabilities modulate the accretion rate from the inner disk. Amongst the stars with the largest UV excesses or largest Halpha equivalent widths, light curves with this type of variability greatly outnumber light curves with relatively smooth sinusoidal variations associated with long-lived hot spots. We provide quantitative statistics for the average duration and strength of the accretion bursts and for the fraction of the accretion luminosity associated with these bursts.
The low spin rates measured for solar-type stars at an age of a few Myr (~10% of the break-up velocity) indicate that some mechanism of angular momentum regulation must be at play in the early pre-main sequence. We characterize the rotation propertie s for members of the region NGC 2264 (~3 Myr), and investigate the accretion-rotation connection at an age where about 50% of the stars have already lost their disks. We examined a sample of 500 cluster members whose photometric variations were monitored in the optical for 38 consecutive days with CoRoT. Light curves were analyzed for periodicity using the Lomb-Scargle periodogram, the autocorrelation function and the string-length method. The period distribution obtained for the cluster consists of a smooth distribution centered around P=5.2 d with two peaks at P=1-2 d and 3-4 d. A separate analysis of CTTS and WTTS indicates that the P=1-2 d peak is associated with the latter, while both groups contribute to the P=3-4 d peak. The comparison between CTTS and WTTS supports the idea of a rotation-accretion connection: their respective rotational properties are statistically different, and CTTS rotate on average more slowly than WTTS. We also observe a clear dearth of fast rotators with strong accretion signatures (large UV flux excess). This is consistent with earlier findings that fast rotators in young star clusters are typically devoid of dusty disks. Our sample shows some evidence of a mass dependence in the rotation properties of NGC 2264 members, lower-mass stars spinning on average faster. This study confirms that disks influence the rotational evolution of young stars. The idea of disk-locking may be consistent with the picture of rotation and rotation-accretion connection that we observe for the NGC 2264 cluster. However, the origin of the several substructures that we observe in the period distribution deserves further investigation.
We explore the structure and star formation history of the open cluster NGC 2264 (~3 Myr). We combined spectroscopic data from the Gaia-ESO Survey (GES) with multi-wavelength photometry from the Coordinated Synoptic Investigation of NGC 2264 (CSI 226 4). We examined a sample of 655 cluster members, including both disk-bearing and disk-free young stars. We find a significant age spread of 4-5 Myr among cluster members. Disk-bearing objects are statistically associated with younger isochronal ages than disk-free sources. The cluster has a hierarchical structure, with two main blocks. The northern half develops around the O-type binary star S Mon; the southern half, close to the tip of the Cone Nebula, contains the most embedded regions of NGC 2264, populated mainly by objects with disks and ongoing accretion. The median ages of objects at different locations within the cluster, and the spatial distribution of disked and non-disked sources, suggest that star formation began in the north of the cluster, over 5 Myr ago, and was ignited in its southern region a few Myr later. Star formation is likely still ongoing in the most embedded regions of the cluster, while the outer regions host a widespread population of more evolved objects. We find a detectable lag between the typical age of disk-bearing objects and that of accreting objects in the inner regions of NGC 2264: the first tend to be older than the second, but younger than disk-free sources at similar locations within the cluster. This supports earlier findings that the characteristic timescales of disk accretion are shorter than those of disk dispersal, and smaller than the average age of NGC 2264 (i.e., < 3 Myr). At the same time, disks in the north of the cluster tend to be shorter-lived (~2.5 Myr) than elsewhere; this may reflect the impact of massive stars within the region (notably S Mon), that trigger rapid disk dispersal.
The space telescope CoRoT has provided light curves of T Tauri stars belonging to the star-forming region of NGC 2264 with unprecedented continuity and precision in the framework of a coordinated multi-wavelength observational project. We perform spo t modelling of the optical light curves of five weak-line T Tauri stars whose variability is dominated by starspots. We apply two-spot and evolving single spot models in the framework of a Bayesian Monte Carlo Markov Chain approach to derive the a posteriori distribution of the starspot parameters and the inclination of the star rotation axis. We focus on the rotation periods of the spots that can provide evidence for differential rotation in those stars. We find meaningful results in the case of three stars with an inclination higher than 50 deg and a slow variation of the light curve amplitude. The relative difference of the spot rotation periods ranges from 0.02 to 0.05 that is 3-10 times larger than the amplitude of the differential rotation found in similar stars with Doppler imaging techniques. We conclude that the intrinsic starspot evolution, although very slow, has a significant impact on the determination of the differential rotation by means of our spot modelling approach. We estimate typical timescales for the evolution of the starspot pattern between about 20 and 50 rotation periods in our stars.
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