We construct L-theory with complex coefficients from the geometry of 1|2-dimensional perturbative mechanics. Methods of perturbative quantization lead to wrong-way maps that we identify with those coming from the MSO-orientation of L-theory tensored with the complex numbers.
We present a cocycle model for elliptic cohomology with complex coefficients in which methods from 2-dimensional quantum field theory can be used to rigorously construct cocycles. For example, quantizing a theory of vector bundle-valued fermions yiel
ds a cocycle representative of the elliptic Thom class. This constructs the complexified string orientation of elliptic cohomology, which determines a pushfoward for families of rational string manifolds. A second pushforward is constructed from quantizing a supersymmetric $sigma$-model. These two pushforwards agree, giving a precise physical interpretation for the elliptic index theorem with complex coefficients. This both refines and supplies further evidence for the long-conjectured relationship between elliptic cohomology and 2-dimensional quantum field theory. Analogous methods in supersymmetric mechanics recover path integral constructions of the Mathai--Quillen Thom form in complexified ${rm KO}$-theory and a cocycle representative of the $hat{A}$-class for a family of oriented manifolds.
After recalling different formulations of the definition of supersymmetric quantum mechanics given in the literature, we discuss the relationships between them in order to provide an answer to the question raised in the title.
We use the geometry of the space of fields for gauged supersymmetric mechanics to construct the twisted differential equivariant K-theory of a manifold with an action by a finite group.
Relativistic arbitrary spin Hamiltonians are shown to obey the algebraic structure of supersymmetric quantum system if their odd and even parts commute. This condition is identical to that required for the exactness of the Foldy-Wouthuysen transforma
tion. Applied to a massive charged spin-$1$ particle in a constant magnetic field, supersymmetric quantum mechanics necessarily requires a gyromagnetic factor $g=2$.
The statistical model of crystal melting represents BPS configurations of D-branes on a toric Calabi-Yau three-fold. Recently it has been noticed that an infinite-dimensional algebra, the quiver Yangian, acts consistently on the crystal-melting confi
gurations. We physically derive the algebra and its action on the BPS states, starting with the effective supersymmetric quiver quantum mechanics on the D-brane worldvolume. This leads to remarkable combinatorial identities involving equivariant integrations on the moduli space of the quantum mechanics, which can be checked by numerical computations.