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On the Evrard fibrant replacement of a functor

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 نشر من قبل Boris Shoikhet
 تاريخ النشر 2014
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 تأليف Boris Shoikhet

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We provide a more economical refined version of Evrards categorical cocylinder factorization of a functor [Ev1,2]. We show that any functor between small categories can be factored into a homotopy equivalence followed by a (co)fibred functor which satisfies the (dual) assumption of Quillens Theorem B.

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اقرأ أيضاً

195 - Maxime Ramzi 2021
We prove a version of J.P. Mays theorem on the additivity of traces, in symmetric monoidal stable $infty$-categories. Our proof proceeds via a categorification, namely we use the additivity of topological Hochschild homology as an invariant of stable $infty$-categories and construct a morphism of spectra $mathrm{THH}(mathbf C)to mathrm{End}(mathbf 1_mathbf C)$ for $mathbf C$ a stably symmetric monoidal rigid $infty$-category. We also explain how to get a more general statement involving traces of finite (homotopy) colimits.
For an abelian group $A$, we give a precise homological description of the kernel of the natural map $Gamma(A) to Aotimes_mathbb{Z} A$, $gamma(a)mapsto aotimes a$, where $Gamma$ is whiteheads quadratic functor from the category of abelian groups to itself.
237 - Daniel G. Davis 2008
If C is the model category of simplicial presheaves on a site with enough points, with fibrations equal to the global fibrations, then it is well-known that the fibrant objects are, in general, mysterious. Thus, it is not surprising that, when G is a profinite group, the fibrant objects in the model category of discrete G-spectra are also difficult to get a handle on. However, with simplicial presheaves, it is possible to construct an explicit fibrant model for an object in C, under certain finiteness conditions. Similarly, in this paper, we show that if G has finite virtual cohomological dimension and X is a discrete G-spectrum, then there is an explicit fibrant model for X. Also, we give several applications of this concrete model related to closed subgroups of G.
We define a $K$-theory for pointed right derivators and show that it agrees with Waldhausen $K$-theory in the case where the derivator arises from a good Waldhausen category. This $K$-theory is not invariant under general equivalences of derivators, but only under a stronger notion of equivalence that is defined by considering a simplicial enrichment of the category of derivators. We show that derivator $K$-theory, as originally defined, is the best approximation to Waldhausen $K$-theory by a functor that is invariant under equivalences of derivators.
93 - John D. Berman 2019
We prove that topological Hochschild homology (THH) arises from a presheaf of circles on a certain combinatorial category, which gives a universal construction of THH for any enriched infinity category. Our results rely crucially on an elementary, model-independent framework for enriched higher category theory, which may be of independent interest.
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