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Proposed parametric cooling of bilayer cuprate superconductors by terahertz excitation

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 نشر من قبل Samuel Denny
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We propose and analyze a scheme for parametrically cooling bilayer cuprates based on the selective driving of a $c$-axis vibrational mode. The scheme exploits the vibration as a transducer making the Josephson plasma frequencies time-dependent. We show how modulation at the difference frequency between the intra- and interbilayer plasmon substantially suppresses interbilayer phase fluctuations, responsible for switching $c$-axis transport from a superconducting to resistive state. Our calculations indicate that this may provide a viable mechanism for stabilizing non-equilibrium superconductivity even above $T_c$, provided a finite pair density survives between the bilayers out of equilibrium.

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اقرأ أيضاً

93 - Yiqun Liu , Yu Lan , Yingping Mou 2020
The characteristic features of the renormalization of the electrons in the bilayer cuprate superconductors are investigated within the kinetic-energy driven superconductivity. It is shown that the quasiparticle excitation spectrum is split into its b onding and antibonding components due to the presence of the bilayer coupling, with each component that is independent. However, in the underdoped and optimally doped regimes, although the bonding and antibonding electron Fermi surface (EFS) contours deriving from the bonding and antibonding layers are truncated to form the bonding and antibonding Fermi arcs, almost all spectral weights in the bonding and antibonding Fermi arcs are reduced to the tips of the bonding and antibonding Fermi arcs, which in this case coincide with the bonding and antibonding hot spots. These hot spots connected by the scattering wave vectors ${bf q}_{i} $ construct an octet scattering model, and then the enhancement of the quasiparticle scattering processes with the scattering wave vectors ${bf q}_{i}$ is confirmed via the result of the autocorrelation of the ARPES spectral intensities. Moreover, the peak-dip-hump (PDH) structure developed in each component of the quasiparticle excitation spectrum along the corresponding EFS is directly related with the peak structure in the quasiparticle scattering rate except for at around the hot spots, where the PDH structure is caused mainly by the bilayer coupling. Although the kink in the quasiparticle dispersion is present all around EFS, when the momentum moves away from the node to the antinode, the kink energy smoothly decreases, while the dispersion kink becomes more pronounced, and in particular, near the cut close to the antinode, develops into a break separating of the fasting dispersing high-energy part of the quasiparticle excitation spectrum from the slower dispersing low-energy part.
We demonstrate that parametric driving of suitable collective modes in cuprate superconductors results in a reflectivity $R>1$ for frequencies in the low terahertz regime. We propose to exploit this effect for the amplification of coherent terahertz radiation in a laser-like fashion. As an example, we consider the optical driving of Josephson plasma oscillations in a monolayer cuprate at a frequency that is blue-detuned from the Higgs frequency. Analogously, terahertz radiation can be amplified in a bilayer cuprate by driving a phonon resonance at a frequency slightly higher than the upper Josephson plasma frequency. We show this by simulating a driven-dissipative $U(1)$ lattice gauge theory on a three-dimensional lattice, encoding a bilayer structure in the model parameters. We find a parametric amplification of terahertz radiation at zero and nonzero temperature.
128 - Yu Lan , Jihong Qin , 2013
The interplay between the superconducting gap and normal-state pseudogap in the bilayer cuprate superconductors is studied based on the kinetic energy driven superconducting mechanism. It is shown that the charge carrier interaction directly from the interlayer coherent hopping in the kinetic energy by exchanging spin excitations does not provide the contribution to the normal-state pseudogap in the particle-hole channel and superconducting gap in the particle-particle channel, while only the charge carrier interaction directly from the intralayer hopping in the kinetic energy by exchanging spin excitations induces the normal-state pseudogap in the particle-hole channel and superconducting gap in the particle-particle channel, and then the two-gap behavior is a universal feature for the single layer and bilayer cuprate superconductors.
The cuprate superconductors are characterized by numerous ordering tendencies, with the nematic order being the most distinct form of order. Here the intertwinement of the electronic nematicity with superconductivity in cuprate superconductors is stu died based on the kinetic-energy-driven superconductivity. It is shown that the optimized Tc takes a dome-like shape with the weak and strong strength regions on each side of the optimal strength of the electronic nematicity, where the optimized Tc reaches its maximum. This dome-like shape nematic-order strength dependence of Tc indicates that the electronic nematicity enhances superconductivity. Moreover, this nematic order induces the anisotropy of the electron Fermi surface (EFS), where although the original EFS with the four-fold rotation symmetry is broken up into that with a residual two-fold rotation symmetry, this EFS with the two-fold rotation symmetry still is truncated to form the Fermi arcs with the most spectral weight that locates at the tips of the Fermi arcs. Concomitantly, these tips of the Fermi arcs connected by the wave vectors ${bf q}_{i}$ construct an octet scattering model, however, the partial wave vectors and their respective symmetry-corresponding partners occur with unequal amplitudes, leading to these ordered states being broken both rotation and translation symmetries. As a natural consequence, the electronic structure is inequivalent between the $k_{x}$ and $k_{y}$ directions. These anisotropic features of the electronic structure are also confirmed via the result of the autocorrelation of the single-particle excitation spectra, where the breaking of the rotation symmetry is verified by the inequivalence on the average of the electronic structure at the two Bragg scattering sites. Furthermore, the strong energy dependence of the order parameter of the electronic nematicity is also discussed.
Ultrafast responses of BCS superconductor Nb1-xTixN films in a nonadiabatic excitation regime were investigated by using terahertz (THz) pump-THz probe spectroscopy. After an instantaneous excitation with the monocycle THz pump pulse, a transient osc illation emerges in the electromagnetic response in the BCS gap energy region. The oscillation frequency coincides with the asymptotic value of the BCS gap energy, indicating the appearance of the theoretically-anticipated collective amplitude mode of the order parameter, namely the Higgs amplitude mode. Our result opens a new pathway to the ultrafast manipulation of the superconducting order parameter by optical means.
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