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The Dark Matter Halos of Moderate Luminosity X-ray AGN as Determined from Weak Gravitational Lensing and Host Stellar Masses

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 نشر من قبل Alexie Leauthaud
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف A. Leauthaud

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Understanding the relationship between galaxies hosting active galactic nuclei (AGN) and the dark matter halos in which they reside is key to constraining how black-hole fueling is triggered and regulated. Previous efforts have relied on simple halo mass estimates inferred from clustering, weak gravitational lensing, or halo occupation distribution modeling. In practice, these approaches remain uncertain because AGN, no matter how they are identified, potentially live a wide range of halo masses with an occupation function whose general shape and normalization are poorly known. In this work, we show that better constraints can be achieved through a rigorous comparison of the clustering, lensing, and cross-correlation signals of AGN hosts to a fiducial stellar-to-halo mass relation (SHMR) derived for all galaxies. Our technique exploits the fact that the global SHMR can be measured with much higher accuracy than any statistic derived from AGN samples alone. Using 382 moderate luminosity X-ray AGN at z<1 from the COSMOS field, we report the first measurements of weak gravitational lensing from an X-ray selected sample. Comparing this signal to predictions from the global SHMR, we find that, contrary to previous results, most X-ray AGN do not live in medium size groups ---nearly half reside in relatively low mass halos with Mh~10^12.5 Msun. The AGN occupation function is well described by the same form derived for all galaxies but with a lower normalization---the fraction of halos with AGN in our sample is a few percent. By highlighting the relatively normal way in which moderate luminosity X-ray AGN hosts occupy halos, our results suggest that the environmental signature of distinct fueling modes for luminous QSOs compared to moderate luminosity X-ray AGN is less obvious than previously claimed.

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287 - Lin Wang , Da-Ming Chen , Ran Li 2017
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127 - Rachel Mandelbaum 2014
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212 - Jo Bovy 2015
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