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Distances to star forming regions

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 نشر من قبل Laurent Loinard
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Laurent Loinard

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The determination of accurate distances to star-forming regions are discussed in the broader historical context of astronomical distance measurements. We summarize recent results for regions within 1 kpc and present perspectives for the near and more distance future.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

190 - Laurent Loinard 2008
Using phase-referenced multi-epoch Very Long Baseline Array observations, we have measured the trigonometric parallax of several young stars in the Taurus and Ophiuchus star-forming regions with unprecedented accuracy. The mean distance to the Taurus complex was found to be about 140 pc, and its depth around 20 pc, comparable to the linear extent of Taurus on the plane of the sky. In Ophiuchus, 4 sources were observed so far. Two of them were found to be at about 160 pc (the distance traditionally attributed to Ophiuchus), while the other 2 are at about 120 pc. Since the entire Ophiuchus complex is only a few parsecs across, this difference is unlikely to reflect the depth of the region. Instead, we argue that two physically unrelated sites of star-formation are located along the line of sight toward Ophiuchus.
We present a near infrared study of the stellar content of 35 H,{sc{ii}} regions in the Galactic plane. In this work, we have used the near infrared domain $J-$, $H-$ and $K_{s}-$ band color images to visually inspect the sample. Also, color-color an d color-magnitude diagrams were used to indicate ionizing star candidates, as well as, the presence of young stellar objects such as classical TTauri Stars (CTTS) and massive young stellar objects (MYSOs). We have obtained {it Spitzer} IRAC images for each region to help further characterize them. {it Spitzer} and near infrared morphology to place each cluster in an evolutionary phase of development. {it Spitzer} photometry was also used to classify the MYSOs. Comparison of the main sequence in color-magnitude diagrams to each observed cluster was used to infer whether or not the cluster kinematic distance is consistent with brightnesses of the stellar sources. We find qualitative agreement for a dozen of the regions, but about half the regions have near infrared photometry that suggests they may be closer than the kinematic distance. A significant fraction of these already have spectrophotometric parallaxes which support smaller distances. These discrepancies between kinematic and spectrophotometric distances are not due to the spectrophotometric methodologies, since independent non-kinematic measurements are in agreement with the spectrophotometric results. For instance, trigonometric parallaxes of star-forming regions were collected from the literature and show the same effect of smaller distances when compared to the kinematic results. In our sample of H,{sc{ii}} regions, most of the clusters are evident in the near infrared images. Finally, it is possible to distinguish among qualitative evolutionary stages for these objects.
Maser emission plays an important role as a tool in star formation studies. It is widely used for deriving kinematics, as well as the physical conditions of different structures, hidden in the dense environment very close to the young stars, for exam ple associated with the onset of jets and outflows. We will summarize the recent observational and theoretical progress on this topic since the last maser symposium: the IAU Symposium 242 in Alice Springs.
The Q-parameter is used extensively to quantify the spatial distributions of stars and gas in star-forming regions as well as older clusters and associations. It quantifies the amount of structure using the ratio of the average length of a minimum sp anning tree, mbar, to the average length within the complete graph, sbar. The interpretation of the Q-parameter often relies on comparing observed values of Q, mbar and sbar to idealised synthetic geometries, where there is little or no match between the observed star-forming regions and the synthetic regions. We measure Q, mbar, and sbar over 10 Myr in N-body simulations which are compared to IC 348, NGC 1333, and the ONC. For each star-forming region we set up simulations that approximate their initial conditions for a combination of different virial rations and fractal dimensions. We find that dynamical evolution of idealised fractal geometries can account for the observed Q, mbar, and sbar values in nearby star-forming regions. In general, an initially fractal star-forming region will tend to evolve to become more smooth and centrally concentrated. However, we show that initial conditions, as well as where the edge of the region is defined, can cause significant differences in the path that a star-forming region takes across the mbar-sbar plot as it evolves. We caution that the observed Q-parameter should not be directly compared to idealised geometries. Instead, it should be used to determine the degree to which a star-forming region is either spatially substructured or smooth and centrally concentrated.
We present the properties of 8 star-forming regions, or clumps, in 3 galaxies at z~1.3 from the WiggleZ Dark Energy Survey, which are resolved with the OSIRIS integral field spectrograph. Within turbulent discs, sigma~90 km/s, clumps are measured wit h average sizes of 1.5 kpc and average Jeans masses of 4.2 x 10^9 Msolar, in total accounting for 20-30 per cent of the stellar mass of the discs. These findings lend observational support to models that predict larger clumps will form as a result of higher disc velocity dispersions driven-up by cosmological gas accretion. As a consequence of the changes in global environment, it may be predicted that star-forming regions at high redshift should not resemble star-forming regions locally. Yet despite the increased sizes and dispersions, clumps and HII regions are found to follow tight scaling relations over the range z=0-2 for size, velocity dispersion, luminosity, and mass when comparing >2000 HII regions locally and 30 clumps at z>1 (sigma propto r^{0.42+/-0.03}, L(Halpha) propto r^{2.72+/-0.04}, L(Halpha) propto sigma^{4.18+/-0.21}, and L(Halpha) propto M_{Jeans}^{1.24+/-0.05}). We discuss these results in the context of the existing simulations of clump formation and evolution, with an emphasis on the processes that drive-up the turbulent motions in the interstellar medium. Our results indicate that while the turbulence of discs may have important implications for the size and luminosity of regions which form within them, the same processes govern their formation from high redshift to the current epoch.
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