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Quantum oscillations and upper critical magnetic field of the iron-based superconductor FeSe

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 نشر من قبل Alain Audouard
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Alain Audouard

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Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) oscillations and upper critical magnetic field ($H_{c2}$) of the iron-based superconductor FeSe ($T_c$ = 8.6 K) have been studied by tunnel diode oscillator-based measurements in magnetic fields of up to 55 T and temperatures down to 1.6 K. Several Fourier components enter the SdH oscillations spectrum with frequencies definitely smaller than predicted by band structure calculations indicating band renormalization and reconstruction of the Fermi surface at low temperature, in line with previous ARPES data. The Werthamer-Helfand-Hohenberg model accounts for the temperature dependence of $H_{c2}$ for magnetic field applied both parallel (textbf{H} $|$ $ab$) and perpendicular (textbf{H} $|$ $c$) to the iron conducting plane, suggesting that one band mainly controls the superconducting properties in magnetic fields despite the multiband nature of the Fermi surface. Whereas Pauli pair breaking is negligible for textbf{H} $|$ $c$, a Pauli paramagnetic contribution is evidenced for textbf{H} $|$ $ab$ with Maki parameter $alpha$ = 2.1, corresponding to Pauli field $H_{P}$ = 36.5 T

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We present a detailed analysis of the upper critical field for CeCoIn5 under high pressure. We show that, consistently with other measurements, this system shows a decoupling between maximum of the superconducting transition temperature Tc and maximu m pairing strength. This puts forward CeCoIn5 as an important paradigm for this class of unconventional, strongly correlated superconductors.
Ultrasonic measurements have been carried out to investigate the critical dynamics of structural and superconducting transitions due to degenerate orbital bands in iron pnictide compounds with the formula Ba(Fe$_{1-x}$Co$_x$)$_2$As$_2$. The attenuati on coefficient $alpha_{mathrm{L}[110]}$ of the longitudinal ultrasonic wave for $(C_{11}+C_{12}+2C_{66})/2$ for $x = 0.036$ reveals the critical slowing down of the relaxation time around the structural transition at $T_mathrm{s} = 65$ K, which is caused by ferro-type ordering of the quadrupole $O_{x^2-y^2}$ coupled to the strain $varepsilon_{xy}$. The attenuation coefficient $alpha_{66}$ of the transverse ultrasonic wave for $C_{66}$ for $x = 0.071$ also exhibits the critical slowing down around the superconducting transition at $T_mathrm{SC} = 23$ K, which is caused by ferro-type ordering of the hexadecapole $H_z^alpha bigl( boldsymbol{r}_i, boldsymbol{r}_j bigr) = O_{xy}bigl( boldsymbol{r}_i bigr) O_{x^2 - y^2}bigl( boldsymbol{r}_j bigr) + O_{x^2 - y^2}bigl( boldsymbol{r}_i bigr) O_{xy}bigl( boldsymbol{r}_j bigr)$ of the bound two-electron state coupled to the rotation $omega_{xy}$. It is proposed that the hexadecapole ordering associated with the superconductivity brings about spontaneous rotation of the macroscopic superconducting state with respect to the host tetragonal lattice.
Many unconventional superconductors exhibit a common set of anomalous charge transport properties that characterize them as `strange metals, which provides hope that there is single theory that describes them. However, model-independent connections b etween the strange metal and superconductivity have remained elusive. In this letter, we show that the Hall effect of the unconventional superconductor BaFe$_2$(As$_{1-x}$P$_x$)$_2$ contains an anomalous contribution arising from the correlations within the strange metal. This term has a distinctive dependence on magnetic field, which allows us to track its behavior across the doping-temperature phase diagram, even under the superconducting dome. These measurements demonstrate that the strange metal Hall component emanates from a quantum critical point and, in the zero temperature limit, decays in proportion to the superconducting critical temperature. This creates a clear and novel connection between quantum criticality and superconductivity, and suggests that similar connections exist in other strange metal superconductors.
High-temperature (high-$T_{rm c}$) superconductivity appears as a consequence of the carrier-doping of an undoped parent compound exhibiting antiferromagnetic order; thereby, ground-state properties of the parent compound are closely relevant to the superconducting state. On the basis of the concept, a spin-fluctuation has been addressed as an origin of pairing of the superconducting electrons in cuprates. Whereas, there is growing interest in the pairing mechanism such as an unconventional spin-fluctuation or an advanced orbital-fluctuation due to the characteristic multi-orbital system in iron-pnictides. Here, we report the discovery of an antiferromagnetic order as well as a unique structural transition in electron-overdoped LaFeAsO$_{1-x}$H$_x$ ($x$ ~ 0.5), whereby another parent phase was uncovered, albeit heavily doped. The unprecedented two-dome superconducting phases observed in this material can be interpreted as a consequence of the carrier-doping starting from the original at $xsim0$ and advanced at $xsim0.5$ parent phases toward the intermediate region. The bipartite parent phases with distinct physical properties in the second magnetic phase provide us with an interesting example to illustrate the intimate interplay among the magnetic interaction, structural change and orbital degree of freedom in iron-pnictides.
We performed AC calorimetry and magnetoresistance measurements under pressure for H || a-axis (easy-magnetization axis) in the novel heavy-fermion superconductor UTe2. Thanks to the thermodynamic information, multiple superconducting phases have been revealed under pressure and magnetic field. The (H,T) phase diagram of superconductivity under pressure displays an abrupt increase of the upper critical field (Hc2) at low temperature and in the high field region, and a strong convex curvature of Hc2 at high temperature. This behavior of Hc2 and the multiple superconducting phases require a state for the superconducting order parameter more complex than a spin-triplet equal spin pairing. Above the superconducting critical pressure, Pc, we find strong indications that the possible magnetic order is closer to antiferromagnetism than to ferromagnetism.
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