ﻻ يوجد ملخص باللغة العربية
The discovery of the Higgs boson (and still nothing else) have triggered appearance of many proposals of Higgs factories for precision measurement of the Higgs properties. Among them there are several projects of photon colliders (PC) without e+e- in addition to PLC based on e+e- linear colliders ILC and CLIC. In this paper, following a brief discussion of Higgs factories physics program I give an overview of photon colliders based on linear colliders ILC and CLIC, and of the recently proposed photon-collider Higgs factories with no e+e- collision option based on recirculation linacs in ring tunnels.
Over the past two decades, the high energy physics community has been actively discussing and developing a number of post-LHC collider projects; however, none of them have been approved due to high costs and the uncertainty in post-LHC physics scenar
Photon beams at photon colliders are very narrow, powerful (10--15 MW) and cannot be spread by fast magnets (because photons are neutral). No material can withstand such energy density. For the ILC-based photon collider, we suggest using a 150 m long
A strong candidate for the Standard Model Scalar boson, H(126), has been discovered by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments. In order to study this fundamental particle with unprecedented precision, and to perform precision tests of the closur
We studied the feasibility of the measurement of Higgs pair creation at a Photon Linear Collider (PLC). From the sensitivity to the anomalous self-coupling of the Higgs boson, the optimum $gamma gamma$ collision energy was found to be around 270 GeV
Motivated by the recent LHC discovery of the di-photon excess at the invariant mass of ~ 750 GeV, we study the prospect of investigating the scalar resonance at a future photon-photon collider. We show that, if the di-photon excess observed at the LH